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发表于 2005-2-27 13:13 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
<P>Xicor Saga:
1.Xicor's Arrival.
2.Xicor's Search for the Dragonballs Begins.
3.Xicor's First Dragonball.
4.Piccolo's Feelings.
5.Xicor Attacks!
6.The end of Tien and Yamcha.
7.Hitsorashi Shows his Power.
8.Gogeta! Dont give up!
9.Trunks, dont be a fool!
10.Piccolo to the Rescue.
11.No Match for Motchani.
12.Gogeta Beats up Hisorashi!
13.Gogeta vs. Motchani.
14.Motchani Defeted.
15.Five Days Free.
16.The Hyperbolic Time Chamber.
17.Gogeta and Gohan Training for the Battle with Xicor.
18.Gotenks' and Piccolo's Turn.
19.Bulma's Discovering a New Thing.
20.Vegeta Jr. and Goku Jr. Training in the Time Chamber.
21.Pans turn.
22.The battle begins!
23.Xicor the Invinceble
24.The Worriors vs. Xicor, Xicor Wins with Ease!
25.Gohans Super Powers.
26.Gohans End.
27.Gogeta's Revenge!
28.Xicor vs Gogeta.
29.Xicor Defeted!
30.Return the Dragonballs
31.Goten, Go Study!
32.Earth is Back to Normal. </P>

Super Goku Saga:
33.The wish for Gohan.
34.Gohan returns on earth.
35.Chi-Chis crazy!
36.Trunks' training with pan.
37.A new enemy!
38.Karoenisch is looking for the Dragonballs!
39.Karoenisch finds the worriors!
40.Karoenisch vs. the worriors.
41.Vegeta's new attack.
42.Gotenk's full powers!
43.Goku's anger transformation!
44.Goku Super Saiyan vs. Karoenisch!
45.Karoenisch defeted, but Goku goes on!
46.The Super Powers of Gogeta Super Saiyan 5.
47.Karoenisch at his maximum power!
48.Gogeta Jr. attacking Karoenisch.
49.Gogeta and Gogeta Jr. are the strongest team in the universe!
50.Karoenisch finally defeted.
51.Back to the normal life.
52.Piccolo starts training again.
53.Videl visiting Mr. Satan.
54.Goten's new job!
55.A new life! </P>

<P>Final Battle Saga:.
56.Gotenks and Vegetto.
57.The training of Piccolo
58.A new worriors.
59.Who is this guy?
60.Gogeta vs the Evil Okster.
61.Gogeta's loaded!
62.Okster is the strongest.
63.Gogeta fails!
64.Goku and Vegeta's,the ultimite duo!
65.Vegeta's transformation.
66.Goku's knock out!
67.The new power of Gogeta Super Saiyan 5!
68.Okster, dont run!
69.Gogeta wins!
70.The Super Saiyan 5 Story.
71.Bulma's report.
72.Popo's birthday!
73.Goku's story. </P>

<P>Great Saiyan Saga:
74.The Evil Guys Arive!
75.Piccolo Gone Mad.
76.Goku Finds New Creatures.
77.Gouyky and Nomanisch!
78.Vegeta to the Recue.
79.Gogeta vs. Gouyky and Nomanisch.
80.Fusion of a Fusion?
81.Nomaykygosch the New Fusion.
82.Gogeta's Powers Awaking.
83.Nomaykygosch Defeted.
84.A Call of Dende.
85.Piccolo's Story.
86.The Z Worriors Together Again.
87.Nn to Planet Namek!
88.Training in the Space Ship.
89.Welcome on Planet Namek.
90.Dende's a Worrior.
91.Dende shows Piccolo his Power.
92.Dende's Wish!
93.The Worriors are Ready.
94.The Wish.
95.Cell has Returned!
96.trunks supersaiyan 4 agains cell!
97.cell defeted!,split up.
99.okster has returnd!
100.okster is the ruler again!
101.gogeta's newest power.
102.okster defeted.
103.brolly? other supersaiyan 4!
105.gogeta junior is down!
106.gotenks fails.
108.gogeta vs the double duo!
109.kooler and brolly defeted.
110.the evil garlic junior!
111.trunks and goten's power.
112.garlic junior defeted!
113.nappa, a supersaiyan?
114.dende neads help!
115.gohan kill nappa! old enemy.
117.vegeta vs vegeta?
118.vegeta defeted. old brother.
120.raditz a supersaiyan 3!
121.pan is a girl, but not weak!
122.raditz defeted.
123.the return of kidbuu!
124.goku, whats wrong?
125.kidbuu defeted.
126.goku, what are you doing?
127.evil goku.
128.stop goku!
129.gohan and vegeta vs evil goku!
130.goku's back to normal!
131.a new transformation!
132.back to planet earth.
133.Life is Back to Normal, Start training! </P>

<P>Mystic Dragonball Saga:
134.Pans Boyfriend!
135.An Evil Guy.
136.Whats Wrong with Gogeta?
137.Gogeta is Evil!
138.Evil Gogeta.
139.The Mystic Dragonball.
140.Z Worriors are Ready to Fight!
141.Goku,Vegeta, we Need You!
142.Whats This,a Super Saiyan 6?
143.Gohan's Mystic Powers Wont Work!
144.Gogeta Jr. Loading Up!
145.Gogeta Jr. is a Super Saiyan 5!
146.Evil Gogeta vs. Gogeta Jr.
147.Gotenks Discovers the Weakness!
148.Where are you Goku and Vegeta!
149.Piccolo's new Power!
150.Goku and Vegeta's Arrival!
151.Evil Gogeta is Escaping.
152.The Search for Evil Gogeta.
153.No sign of Evil Gogeta.
154.The Mystic Dragonball is found!
155.Whats this!?
156.The power of a supersaiyan 7!
157.Evil Gogeta vs. Gogeta!
158.Evil Gogeta is to Strong.
159.Gogeta Knows the Weakness!
160.Evil Gogeta is Weak.
161.Give up Evil Gogeta!
162.Evil Gogeta Defeted.
163.Back to Roshi's Place.
164.Roshi's Fainted.
165.The New Form, Super Saiyan 7.
166.Bulma's Explosion of Anger! </P>

<P>Ultimite Saga:
167.Collect The Dragonballs!
168.The Wish
169.Where are we?
170.A Smart World
171.The Perfect Beings
172.A Time Machine?
172.Who is Potoschy?
173.Let Go!
174.A Trip in 5 Minites!
175.The Other Side of the Galaxy
176.People can Read Minds!
177.The Guards of Potoschy
178.There Just to Smart!
179.Vegeta and Goku Show There Powers
180.Potoschy is a Bad Guy!
181.The Battle vs. Potoschy!
182.Potoschy is no Match
183.Potoschy Gives Pp
184.Search for the Dragonballs
185.No Sign of the Dragonballs
186.The Hope is Lost
187.A Dragonball?
188.Its the Dragonballs!
189.The Wish to Return!
190.The Old World Returns
191.Vegeta's End
192.Vegeta Jr. is the Vegeta Now!
193.Good Bye Guys, See You!</P>



<P>1 斜克的降临</P>

<P>2 斜克开始寻找龙珠</P>

<P>3 斜克的第一颗龙珠</P>

<P>4 短笛的感觉</P>

<P>5 斜克开始攻击</P>

<P>6 天津饭和雅木茶的结局</P>

<P>7 ......(这个真不知道怎么翻译)显现他的力量</P>

<P>8 悟吉塔,别放弃</P>

<P>9 特南克斯,别傻了</P>

<P>10 短笛去拯救</P>

<P>11 根本不是摩克里的对手</P>

<P>12 悟吉塔打败.....</P>

<P>13 悟吉塔对摩克里</P>

<P>14 摩克里战败</P>

<P>15 仅剩的五天</P>

<P>16 时间室(就是神殿里那个,中文忘记怎么讲了)</P>

<P>17 悟吉塔和悟饭训练,准备迎战斜克</P>

<P>18 轮到短笛和悟天克斯了</P>

<P>19 布马发现了新东西</P>

<P>20 小贝吉塔和小悟空在时间室里训练</P>

<P>21 轮到小芳了</P>

<P>22 战斗开始</P>

<P>23 不败的斜克</P>

<P>24 战士们对战斜克,斜克轻松胜出</P>

<P>25 悟饭的超级力量</P>

<P>26 悟饭阵亡</P>

<P>27 悟吉塔复仇</P>

<P>28 悟吉塔对战斜克</P>

<P>29 斜克战败</P>

<P>30 夺回龙珠</P>

<P>31 悟天,学习去!</P>

<P>32 地球恢复原状</P>


<P>33 对悟饭的愿望</P>

<P>34 悟饭返回地球</P>

<P>35 琪琪疯了</P>

<P>36 特南克斯和小芳的训练</P>

<P>37 新的敌人</P>

<P>38 卡罗尼斯克开始寻找龙珠</P>

<P>39 卡罗尼斯克与Z战士们相遇</P>

<P>40 卡罗尼斯克对战Z战士们</P>

<P>41 贝吉塔的新绝招</P>

<P>42 全力出击的悟天克斯</P>

<P>43 悟空愤怒的瞬间移动</P>

<P>44 超级赛雅人悟空对卡罗尼斯克</P>

<P>45 打败卡罗尼斯克,但悟空还没结束</P>

<P>46 悟吉塔超5的惊人力量</P>

<P>47 卡罗尼斯克的最强力量</P>

<P>48 小悟吉塔对站卡罗尼斯克</P>

<P>49 悟吉塔和小悟吉塔,宇宙最强的搭档</P>

<P>50 卡罗尼斯克终于挂了~~~</P>

<P>51 重新回到正常的生活</P>

<P>52 短笛开始修炼</P>

<P>53 比迪丽去见撒但</P>

<P>54 悟天的新工作</P>

<P>55 新的生活</P>


<P>56 悟天克斯和贝吉特</P>

<P>57 短笛的修炼</P>

<P>58 一个新战士</P>

<P>59 他是谁?</P>

<P>60 悟吉特对战奥斯特</P>

<P>61 悟吉特准备发射</P>

<P>62 奥斯特是最强的</P>

<P>63 悟吉特失败</P>

<P>64 悟空和贝吉塔的终极二重攻击</P>

<P>65 贝吉塔变形</P>

<P>66 悟空被打昏</P>

<P>67 悟吉塔超5的新力量</P>

<P>68 奥斯特,别想溜</P>

<P>69 悟吉特凯旋</P>

<P>70 超5的故事</P>

<P>71 布马的报告</P>

<P>72 波波先生的生日</P>

<P>73 悟空的故事</P>


<P>74 坏人来到</P>

<P>75 短笛发怒</P>

<P>76 悟空发现新的生物</P>

<P>77 古基和挪曼基</P>

<P>78 贝吉塔拯救</P>

<P>79 悟吉塔对古基和挪曼基</P>

<P>80 合体后的合体?</P>

<P>81 新合体人挪曼基古基</P>

<P>82 悟吉塔力量觉醒</P>

<P>83 挪曼基古基战败</P>

<P>84 丹迪的来电</P>

<P>85 短笛的故事</P>

<P>86 Z战士们重新集合</P>

<P>87 前往那美克星</P>

<P>88 宇宙船中的修炼</P>

<P>89 欢迎来到那美克星</P>

<P>90 丹迪是战士?</P>

<P>91 丹迪向短笛展示力量</P>

<P>92 丹迪的愿望</P>

<P>93 战士们一切就绪</P>

<P>94 愿望</P>

<P>95 沙鲁归来</P>

<P>96 特南克斯超4对沙鲁</P>

<P>97 沙鲁挂掉~~</P>

<P>98 队伍分头行动</P>

<P>99 奥斯特归来</P>

<P>100 奥斯特再度称霸</P>

<P>101 悟吉特最新的力量</P>

<P>102 奥斯特被击败</P>

<P>103 布罗利??</P>

<P>104 另一个超4??</P>

<P>105 小悟吉塔倒下了</P>

<P>106 悟天克斯失败了</P>

<P>107 古拉??</P>

<P>108 悟吉特一对二</P>

<P>109 古拉和布罗利战败</P>

<P>110 邪恶的小大蒜??(我不知道这个是不是剧场版的~~)</P>

<P>111 特南克斯和悟天的力量</P>

<P>112 小大蒜战败</P>

<P>113 那巴,一个超级赛雅人??</P>

<P>114 谁帮帮丹迪</P>

<P>115 悟饭杀死那巴</P>

<P>116 老敌人</P>

<P>117 贝吉塔对贝吉塔</P>

<P>118 贝吉塔战败</P>

<P>119 哥哥</P>

<P>120 拉帝兹是超3??</P>

<P>121 小芳虽然是女孩,但绝不弱</P>

<P>122 拉帝兹战败</P>

<P>123 小布欧归来??</P>

<P>124 悟空,你怎么了?</P>

<P>125 小布欧战败</P>

<P>126 悟空,你在干吗?</P>

<P>127 邪恶的悟空</P>

<P>128 阻止悟空</P>

<P>129 悟饭和贝吉塔对悟空</P>

<P>130 悟空复原</P>

<P>131 新的变形</P>

<P>132 返回地球</P>

<P>133 生活恢复正常,开始修炼</P>


<P>134 小芳的男朋友</P>

<P>135 一个坏人</P>

<P>136 悟吉塔怎么了?</P>

<P>137 悟吉塔是邪恶的?</P>

<P>138 邪恶的悟吉塔</P>

<P>139 魔龙珠</P>

<P>140 Z战士们准备战斗</P>

<P>141 悟空,贝吉塔,我们需要你们</P>

<P>142 什么?超6??</P>

<P>143 悟饭的魔力失效</P>

<P>144 小悟吉塔准备发射</P>

<P>145 小悟吉塔变身超5</P>

<P>146 邪恶悟吉塔对小悟吉塔</P>

<P>147 悟天克斯找出弱点</P>

<P>148 悟空,贝吉塔,你们在哪?</P>

<P>149 短笛新的力量</P>

<P>150 悟空和贝吉塔归来</P>

<P>151 邪恶悟吉塔正在逃跑</P>

<P>152 寻找邪恶悟吉塔</P>

<P>153 没有邪恶悟吉塔的踪影</P>

<P>154 找到魔龙珠了!</P>

<P>155 这是什么??</P>

<P>156 超7的力量</P>

<P>157 邪恶悟吉塔对悟吉塔</P>

<P>158 邪恶悟吉塔太强了!</P>

<P>159 悟吉塔找出弱点了!</P>

<P>160 邪恶悟吉塔变弱</P>

<P>161 投降吧,邪恶悟吉塔</P>

<P>162 邪恶悟吉塔战败</P>

<P>163 去龟仙人家(还不是龟岛~~)</P>

<P>164 龟仙人晕倒</P>

<P>165 新的形态,超级赛雅人7!!!</P>

<P>166 布马怒气冲天</P>


<P>167 寻找龙珠</P>

<P>168 愿望</P>

<P>169 我们在哪??</P>

<P>170 一个聪明的世界</P>

<P>171 完美生物</P>

<P>172 时间机器?</P>

<P>173 波多基是谁?</P>

<P>174 放开!</P>

<P>175 五分钟的旅程</P>

<P>176 银河系的另一端</P>

<P>177 能看穿思想的人们</P>

<P>178 波多基的侍卫</P>

<P>179 他们就是太聪明了</P>

<P>180 贝吉塔和悟空展现力量</P>

<P>181 波多基是坏人</P>

<P>182 对战波特基</P>

<P>183 波多基根本不是对手</P>

<P>184 波多基投降</P>

<P>185 寻找龙珠</P>

<P>186 没有龙珠的踪影</P>

<P>187 希望全无</P>

<P>188 一颗龙珠?</P>

<P>189 找到龙珠了</P>

<P>190 回去的愿望</P>

<P>191 回到家乡</P>

<P>192 贝吉塔死亡??</P>

<P>193 小贝吉塔成为贝吉塔</P>

<P>194 大家走好,再见!!

发表于 2005-2-27 14:06 | 显示全部楼层
= = 极度BS他……居然还有人翻译= =

发表于 2005-2-27 14:20 | 显示全部楼层
<P>算啦,算啦,還不是響應小(?)S~~</P><P>囘主題 有這個翻譯的確不錯,儘管淑轉貼,但是我覺得~</P>

发表于 2005-2-27 15:48 | 显示全部楼层

发表于 2005-2-28 04:02 | 显示全部楼层
汗 真的有人去翻阿?明明就是AF的說 有點小小的頭暈中

发表于 2005-2-28 07:15 | 显示全部楼层

发表于 2005-2-28 12:52 | 显示全部楼层

发表于 2005-2-28 13:12 | 显示全部楼层
<B>以下是引用<I>saiyangoku</I>在2005-2-28 12:52:58的发言:</B>


 楼主| 发表于 2005-2-28 13:15 | 显示全部楼层
<B>以下是引用<I>終極資訊家</I>在2005-2-28 7:15:03的发言:</B>


发表于 2005-2-28 13:47 | 显示全部楼层

发表于 2005-2-28 15:41 | 显示全部楼层

发表于 2005-2-28 18:18 | 显示全部楼层

发表于 2005-2-28 22:05 | 显示全部楼层

 楼主| 发表于 2005-3-1 20:28 | 显示全部楼层

发表于 2005-3-2 23:48 | 显示全部楼层
<B>以下是引用<I>終極資訊家</I>在2005-2-28 7:15:03的发言:</B>


发表于 2005-3-3 17:51 | 显示全部楼层

发表于 2005-3-3 22:16 | 显示全部楼层

发表于 2005-3-3 23:00 | 显示全部楼层

发表于 2005-3-4 07:54 | 显示全部楼层
<P>那些批評我對於美國鬼子和A FAKE的見解的人們﹐與其在此說甚麼開放眼光或對美國改觀之類﹐不如來幫手畫擴張正宗龍珠意識的同人更為實際</P>

发表于 2005-3-4 10:33 | 显示全部楼层

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