The singer, the Hamazaki walking (30) with entire world theme songs “Rule/Sparkle” of American movie “DRAGONBALL EVOLUTION” (25 day sale) forms the popularity cartoonist, the Mt. Toriyama discernment person (53) of the original author and the powerful tag. Mt. Toriyama draws Hamazaki's being similar face picture and lowers, is carved on the board surface of first board CD and DVD as the picture label. Hamazaki, large fan of the “dragon ball” is large deep emotion.
[kame], [hame] and [ha] ~! From CD, the ayu Sato sky springing out, you rival, is. With the Mt. Toriyama being similar face picture, Hamazaki the protagonist of the “dragon ball”, changes to the grandchild Sato sky. It dances in 2009 beginning of the year single board surfaces.
The songstress and the popularity cartoonist of the world united the hand firmly. New tune “Rule”, from Japan March 13th is released consecutively in the entire world decision to the entire world theme songs “of DRAGONBALL EVOLUTION”. From that edge it removed the offer of the latest plan to Mt. Toriyama, willing consent was done.
As for the picture label which is released, with the form where Hamazaki wrapped the body in road arrival of the orange, in the chest turtle Sein one symbol mark. If it is unprecedented for Mt. Toriyama to participate in the work of the artist, you say that also it is first for the being similar face picture which draws the person of existence to be merchandized.
Sewing the interval of busy schedule, Mt. Toriyama which manages the work is similar, “to tell the truth, and, the face picture we are poor enormously, is [shindoi] job. Especially, the woman who is made [shiyutsu] Hamazaki's way is difficult truly, the fact that we undertake instant was regretted. Because it is the one where the fan is many, it is not similar! How it is worry”, whether you do not get angry, that moderate comment.
As for Hamazaki of one side the Mt. Toriyama maniac of the extent which the whole volume it has animation DVD of the same work. “Drawing very the parenthesis well, it receives, furthermore, it dresses to the road arrival which the Sato sky has worn and/or, has been deeply impressed truly” that you are overjoyed, “', when my music and music video are made to enjoy, you are delightful, even in the dragon ball' fan is”, that it appealed.
Hamazaki who controls “the public one martial arts meeting” of the music circle, obtained the new treasure.