第一手整理:中国龙珠论坛 www.dragonballcn.com 午夜格古洛 转载务必注明。
新浪娱乐讯 日本最大动漫盛会JUMP FESTA 2009将定于2008年12月20日至21日于千叶幕张国际展览中心举行,主办方集英社的网站公布,本次大会将安排好莱坞真人版《龙珠》(Dragonball)电影特别预映会,时间是12月20日13:20至13:50,为时30分钟。届时将有特别嘉宾登场,观众可以与名人一同观赏《龙珠》电影特辑映像。
取得优先观览席(前排观众席)的人士,可获赠知名潮流玩具生产商Medicom Toy为《龙珠》真人版电影特别设计的Be@rbrick积木熊,造型依据的是橙色衫蓝色裤的真人版龟仙流道服。而普通观众也可以通过在现场摊位购买入场券,随券得到这款预先发售的特别版Be@rbrick。中国龙珠论坛供稿 心之洛/文
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A prescreening of Dragonball live action movie open to the public will hit JUMP FESTA 2009 (Makuhari, Chiba, Japan) on Dec 20, 2008, the very first day of the 2-day famous Japanese ACG exhibition. With running time of 30 minutes, from 13:20 to 13:50, it'll be an excerpt with especially selected scenes from the movie which is to be released on March 13, 2009 in Japan.
Another significance of this activity isn't the said presence of anonymous famous star(s), but the preselling of Be@rbrick of Dragonball, in live action Goku's orange gi, as a special edition produced by Medicom Toy Corporation. As announced, the person who later wins the reserved seat of this prescreening can have one such Bearbrick as a gift. Anyone who later loses the reserved seats can still buy the entrance ticket at the booth on the festa to have the Be@rbrick attached to the ticket.
-Midnightkaka from DragonballCN.com