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[TV机] [PS2]比拉蒂斯还弱!《IW》Gamepro评分2/5+失望评语(11/4)

发表于 2008-11-5 11:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
美国时间现在也已经是4日晚上了,但还没看到太多关于入手IW的消息,下载也未出现,可能都在玩吧,但一些媒体的评论已经出来了 本作超短的宣传时间和乏善可陈的新要素已经让人感觉在雷的边缘,不出所料Gamepro 5分满分的评分只得2分,完全不及格,到底是DIMPS真敷衍还是美国媒体口味问题呢? -------- 原文链接 ... l-z-infinite-world/ 瞎翻译几句: Dragon Ball Z: Infinite World By McKinley Noble November 04, 2008 09:28 AM As the last DBZ game in the PS2's library, Dragon Ball Z: Infinite World is both a mediocre effort and an overall disappointment from Atari and Dimps. Even fans of the series will be hard pressed to favorably compare DBZ: IW against the rest of the Budokai series, mainly due to a modestly tweaked fighting system, a frustrating new mission mode, and tons of missed potential. If you've played a Budokai game before, feel free to skip this last entry. 普通、对DIMPS很失望,IW靠Z系列的主要格斗系统,令人失望的新MISSION模式,如果你玩过此前的Z系列就跳过这最终作吧。 THE BOTTOM LINE: Even with improved graphics and a large character roster, Dragon Ball Z: Infinite World ends the DBZ series on PS2 with a bust instead of a bang. IW用更先进的图象处理和更多的角色给PS2的Z系列来了个糟糕的终结。 At one time, DBZ Budokai was the fighting series that proved anime-based fighting games could still surprise the most fickle players. A few years down the road, the formula has been rehashed so many times, the end result on the PlayStation 2 with DBZ: Infinite World feels like a letdown. Personally, after playing other Dragon Ball games like DBZ: Burst Limit, Budokai 3 and Dragon Ball: Origins, I feel that DBZ: IW wastes a lot of potential with a few uninspired and inexcusable gameplay choices. 曾经Z格斗系列是动漫游戏中的佼佼者,经过几年的进化最终作让人感觉失望,玩过其他龙珠游戏比如BL、Z3、DS,我感觉IW浪费了大量的可能性,毫无创意。 Weaker Than Radditz 比拉蒂斯还弱 DBZ: IW's newest mode, Dragon Mission, is one the primary reasons that I got tired of the game so quickly. In various scenarios, you're asked with running errands under a time limit, set against familiar scenes of the DBZ anime. What this really means is that every time you progress through a certain amount of stages in Dragon Mission, DBZ: IW will make you participate in a mandatory fetch quest, footrace, or the horrible "run through all the rings under a time limit" mini-game. (Has no one in Dimps ever heard of the torture device called Superman 64?) 关于新模式龙之MISSION,首先我已经厌烦了快节奏的游戏,在不同关卡,你要在时间限制内跑来跑去,就象动画里那样你要穿过一堆场景,IW让你必须完成一些任务,或者竞赛什么的小游戏… Even worse, the control in these quests is just plain horrible. In the 3D-movement areas, the camera remains rooted to a fixed point no matter where you move, making you adjust it every five seconds while simultaneously trying to find whatever shiny things you're supposed to be collecting or jumping through. If you find an object you're looking for that happens to be sitting on top of a small cliff, good luck trying to reach it, since you can't really fly wherever you want. Instead, you'll waste precious seconds looking for a conveniently placed boulder in a different part of the map to help you double-jump up to an even bigger boulder. If you're trying to catch or hit something, your two hands will be painfully occupied trying to make the camera focus on what's directly in front of you while you're still moving. 糟糕的是这些任务中的操作非常讨厌,在3D场景中镜头总是停在一点上无论你移动到哪里,让你每5秒就要调整一次,还要找什么发光的东西收集或者跳过去,如果要找的东西在悬崖上就要祝你好运了,你无法真正的飞行…需要去其他场景找东西垫脚做两段跳。如果你想要拿或者打什么东西,你必须让镜头集中在你前面… Quantity Over Quality 数量大于质量 While it's unfortunate that you must complete Dragon Mission in order to experience the rest of the game, DBZ: IW still has an impressive list of fighters and lot of saga-sprawling fan service for patient DBZ fanatics. Sure, the graphics look decent, but they're not really an improvement on past games -- although, to be fair, that's probably just a technical limitation with the PS2 than an actual development flaw. At the very least, the fighting system is solid, but unless you're a seasoned player, you'll be on the receiving end of several devastating energy blasts and dramatic kicks to the face. Overall, DBZ: IW is a lame excuse for an anthology that misses the opportunity to make one last good impression on DBZ fans. 不幸的是你为了开启所有角色必须完成MISSION模式,IW有让Fans期待的角色名单,确实看上去不错,但他们并没有真的改进什么,虽然公正的说大概有PS2的机能限制,至少格斗系统是一致的,但除非你是一个老玩家,否则就等着被虐吧。 综上IW漏洞百出,失去了给Fans一个完美终结的机会。 PROS: Huge character roster, customizable skills, long story mode and dual-language voice tracks 优点:庞大的角色名单,能力配置,比较长的故事模式和双语语音 CONS: Horrendous mini-games, stale content, Dragon Mission is a very poor choice for a new mode 缺点:可怕的迷你游戏,陈旧的内容,龙之Mission是一个非常糟的新模式 --------- 看来新模式遭到强烈的抨击,连操作都不行的话就真是失望了,似乎没提格斗到底怎样,莫非真是豪无进步可言?莫非又是一颗雷么…不过如果能保持Z3的水准到也能让一些忠实Fan满意了,就当打了个补丁好了…

发表于 2008-11-5 14:17 | 显示全部楼层




发表于 2008-11-5 15:30 | 显示全部楼层




发表于 2008-11-5 18:09 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2008-11-7 19:36 | 显示全部楼层



 楼主| 发表于 2008-11-8 01:45 | 显示全部楼层

发表于 2008-11-8 23:54 | 显示全部楼层

格斗中动作细节和操作方式没有进步的话也就算了 可以把希望放在全新的故事模式上和小游戏上  看了这帖子有点灰心


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