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[星踪星闻] 早在Ben Ramsey剧本流出前的“真正”《龙珠》剧本?

发表于 2008-7-20 00:51 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

先前一直跟踪正规报道,这些旁枝的不能证实的报道就一直放着没管,现在我来恶补一下。是的,这又是一份自称真人版《龙珠》电影剧本的物件,只是没Ben Ramsey整篇泄漏这么惨。这据说是黄毅瑜在住墨西哥酒店时,修改完剧本后撕了扔掉的某一稿某一页,是被服务生从废纸堆里找到的。


Fragment of the Original screenplay of the Film Dragon Ball

Do not ask where this come out is simply what we have in our hands, here I leave a piece of the original script of the movie Dragon Ball where spoilers are in the order of the day, like the fight between Picoro and the master Roshi, enjoy, and I will take charge of joy or disappointment that can be carried away by reading this …

want to see how the film will be with Goku in the martial arts tournament ? in a few more days.

Source. It looks like the image above is from a revised version of the script by James Wong, while the one on IMDB talked about here is from a Ben Ramsey draft. How much is kept in this draft is unknown, but it’s likely the movie has gone through many rewrites.

发表于 2008-7-22 12:51 | 显示全部楼层

发表于 2008-8-23 00:31 | 显示全部楼层
对于悟空 上学(貌似 美国青春剧剧情 ),ADA我实在是 …………………… 没有想象出来啊 …………………………

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