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[07.11.12] 核心制作群敲定,明年1月墨西哥开镜 [附Comingsoon原文]

发表于 2007-12-10 19:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

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来源:南方动漫网 作者:惊尘

好莱坞真人电影版《龙珠 Dragon Ball》的导演、摄影执导、特效总监人选均顺利敲定,并将于明年1月前往墨西哥正式开拍、预定2010年全球上映!

20世纪福克斯电影公司(20th Century Fox)已经决定这部真人电影版《龙珠》的85%镜头会在墨西哥杜兰戈州完成拍摄,并且预定于2008年1月正式开镜。而获得电影取镜的景点包括了Mexiquillo Forest、Marley Ranch、Hacienda la Providencia、La Joya Ranch、Laguna Seca de Santiaguillo等地,整个电影剧组也会在这个月中陆续进驻这些地区并且着手搭设电影背景。从明年1月开拍的进度将延续到明年3月,但这仅只完成全部镜头的85%,剩下的15%最后高潮将会移师到墨西哥墨西哥州境内的“Nevado de Toluca(托卢卡火山国家公园)”直到杀青。以火山为背景?莫非……

也许有朋友觉得奇怪,之前不是决定到加拿大蒙特利尔市开拍吗?原来在蒙特利尔市英文公报《The Gazette》发表这个消息不久,20世纪福克斯随即透过北美最大游戏情报网《》郑重声明“该报导内容不足采信,龙珠电影版在这个时间点[9月初]仍尚未决定取景地点以及开拍时间。”那么这次的墨西哥呢?因为《El Norte 北方报》在报导中载明由于好莱坞知名特效总监Ariel Velasco-Shaw钦点确定该国之后才正式发布新闻,所以这次的可信度相当高。接下来就是揭晓好莱坞《龙珠 Dragon Ball》电影的核心制作群:

导演:James Wong《死神来了 Final Destination 1、3》

摄影执导:Robert McLachlan《死神来了 Final Destination 1、3》

特效总监:Ariel Velasco-Shaw《死神来了 Final Destination 1、3》、《300勇士:斯巴达的逆袭》


According the Dragonball Z is set to shoot in Mexic

Dragon Ball Z to Shoot in Durango, Mexico Source: Informer November 6, 2007

Mexican newspaper El Norte reports that 20th Century Fox will film 85% of the Dragon Ball Z movie in Durango, Mexico under the direction of James Wong.

The production, expected to film in 2008, plans to use the Mexiquillo Forest, Marley Ranch, Hacienda la Providencia, La Joya Ranch, Laguna Seca de Santiaguillo and a forum from a Convention Center in the Culture Institute.

"Durango meets the needs in hotels, personnel, services like transportation, equipment, stunts, restaurants. This movie will provide the city with 750 jobs and an important flow of money," said Susana Elósegui Cross (Turism & Cinematography Director of Durango).

The sets will be constructed this month and shooting will begin in January and last through March. However, the movie cannot filmed completely in Durango, so they will move to Estado De México for some shots at Nevado de Toluca (an important volcano).

Durango was chosen by Ariel Shaw, the special FX director.

Dragon Ball Z is about a young boy called Goku. He faces Evil Vegueta, who tries to destroy the hero to prove that Goku is not the legendary warrior many believe he is.

[此贴子已经被作者于2007-12-10 19:46:12编辑过]

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