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发表于 2004-5-28 22:31 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Dragon Ball Z - Movie 13 - Dragon Fist Assaults/Dragon Fist Explosion - If Goku Can’t do it, Who can ?
I have type up the infomation of Movie 13, I hope you enjoy and just to let ya guys know I am using the dub version names, okies ^_^ and everything in the pharses(sp?) ( ) is my comments, okies ^_^

First Scene: A ocarina fell down to the ground and a monster foot step in the picture in this weird dark place where Minosha is frighten scared and has his hands on his sword, looking for the monster. Minosha turn his back and only found the Monster is about to step on him and then he dies.
Some Evil guy voice (Hoi): Next stop….Earth.
Second Scene: Three guys in a car is driving crazy though the streets crashing some other cars but the car that cause it isn’t hurt at all and also the crazy driver and the other guys in the car are shooting randomly while the cops chase them then the cops ended up crashing leaving the crazy drivers thinking of victory.
Guy #1: How you like that, cops ?
::Then the guys in the car is in shook to see the person that blocking their way, so they try to run over the person but the person just step on his foot on the car and sliding him backwards while the car goes forward then stop::
Guy #2: Bastard ! ::has his gun at the person who stop their car and shoots at the person but the person just caught all of the person bullets! The guys are shook and the person who caught the bullets just let go his hand and the bullets fell, the person push his foot more in the far leaving the three guys in the car flying and landing of the ground. Guy #2 gets up and has a knife pointing at another person that dress as silly as the person that stop their car. ::
Guy #2 :You want a piece of this, too ?
:: Guy #2 charges at Person #2 but Person #2 dodges easily and does a knee kick on Guy #2 and Guy #1 tries to shoot at Person #2 but fail to when Person #2 kicks his hand and lets go of his gun and Person #2 does a elbow punch at Guy #1 and Guy #1 falls. Then Guy #3 got his big gun and try to shoot at Person #2. ::
Guy #3: Damn you….
:: Guy #3 is about to shoot but Person #1 went in front and grabs his gun and bend it! And Guy #3 starts to run away but falls. ::
Guy #3: Somebody help me.
::Person #1 just smile and doing a little idiotic pose with Person #2::
::Person #1 (Now reveals as Saiyaman #1) ::
Saiyaman #1 : Whenever evil is afoot…
::Person #2 jumps in standing right beside Saiyaman #1 (now reveals as Saiyaman #2)::
Saiyaman #2: And the raging fires of justice burns….
::Both Saiyamans does a little romance dance:: Saiyaman #1: Great Saiyman #1 ….
Saiyaman #2: And Great Saiyman #2.…
Both # 1 and 2: Hands down swift justice !
::Guy #3 just look at them weird::
Saiyaman #1: ::In this thoughts: Yesssss!::
::In the background you see a small guy with pinkish skin spying on Great Saiyaman and goes away ::

Third Scene: Now at Orange Star High School
Gohan: I’m back !
Teacher: Take your seat then!
Videl: Sorry to take so long. The toilet sure was crowded!
Shapner: That Gohan! Who does he think he’s fooling ?
Teacher: Let’s continued. The novelist known as Doku Shibichi wrote about love, which is something all the ladies in the class will understand.
::Gohan hears a beep beep sound from Videl watch and looks over::
Videl: Yes, this is Great Saiyaman #2
A voice in Videl watch: There’s a weird old man who climbed to the top of the Randsell Tower!
Videl: Can’t you guys take care of such a small thing yourselves ?…Hey! Again!
Gohan: ::Gohan stands up:: Professor, I’ve got to go to the toilet.
Teacher: Again ?
Gohan: It must have been something I ate yesterday. ::a couple of moments pass and now Gohan has the ‘I can’t believe I said that look::

Scene Four: A old guy in a Tower yelling
Old Guy: Leave me alone! I want to die! All my hopes and dreams have died! I‘m going to throw myself from this tower!
::People are watching and talking about the old man::
Some person in the streets: The Great Saiyaman Powers ! ::everyone watches Saiyaman #1 and #2 fly::
Old Guy: It doesn’t matter who tries to help, I’m jumping!
Saiyaman #1: Hey Gramps, it’s dangerous up here. Why don’t you come back down with us ?
Old Guy: I….I want to die!
Saiyaman #2: Let him do it.
Saiyman #1: Videl !
Saiyman #2: Hurry up and jump already. Will you ?
Old Guy: Fine! Watch me! ::jumps off tower::
Saiyman #2: He wasn’t kidding !
Old Guy: Save me !
:: Saiyman #1 catches him::
Saiyman #1: Are you alright ?
Old Guy: It took you long enough ! I could have died, you know !
Saiyman #2: What a weird old man !

Scene Five: Both Saiyman seems to be walking in a park with the Old Guy (which is Hoi)
Hoi: You never heard of the great hero Tapion ? {I love typing that name ^_^}
::both Saiyman nod sideways (I think) ::
Hoi: What a pity! Legends has it a thousand years ago in the south of the galaxy, he saved the people of the Plant Konats.
Saiyman #1: Wow
Saiyaman #2: Gohan, it time we were going.
Saiyman #1: I’d like to meet him!
Hoi: You do….?
Saiyaman #1: Is he coming to this world ?
Hoi: Just wanting to meet him isn’t enough. Unfortunately, the great hero Tapion is imprison inside this beautiful music box.
Saiyaman #1: He’s stuck in there ? But how ?
Hoi: If you help release him, he’ll tell you about a future threat !
Saiyaman #2: Gohan, hurry up, we’ve gotta go
Saiyman #1: Just a second, Old man, what was that suppose to mean ?
Hoi: I fear that this world is in great danger!
Saiyaman #1: The Earth is in danger ?
Hoi: Even now a great galactic evil is heading for this planet. We need the Great Hero Tapion now more then ever ! I spent over 30 years searching for this music box !
Saiyaman #2: So wouldn’t it be smart to release him now ?
Hoi: I would have, if I could!
Saiyaman #1: You mean you can’t ?
Hoi: Try and turn the crank. If you can open the music box, Tapion will be released. ::Saiyaman #1(ah forget it, I’m saying Gohan now instead of Saiyman #1) is trying to turn the crank:: Videl: Why didn’t you say that in the first place ?
Gohan: ::tries harder to turn the crank:: It..won’t..move….Whats…with..this..thing ?
Videl: Let me see! ….its rusted shut ! ::toss the music box behind her back and Hoi catches it:: Let’s go, class is almost over!
Gohan: Hey, Videl !
Hoi: Sheng Long! You can bring met o the Sheng Long.
Gohan: Sheng Long ?
Hoi: He’s my only hope of freeing Tapion from his prison.
Gohan: Old man, How ?
Hoi: I knew all along you could bring me to the Sheng Long! I’m begging you, please ! I’m begging you!
Videl: so the incident at the Tower was all a trick then?
Hoi: Looks like I’ve been busted!

Scene Six:
::Everyone seems to be at Bulma house analyzing the music box::
Gohan: Gramps, it sounded like a fantasy story to me.
Videl: I think so too!
Hoi: You still don’t’ believe me ? No time to worry about convincing you. If the Great Tapion isn’t freed soon, the whole world could be destroyed.
Bulma: This is no good. There’s no way to get it open, its made from some kind of impervious material.
::Goku tries to turn the crank but can’t::
Goku: Its no good. I can’t open it.
Krillin: If even Goku can’t get it open, the story must be true, then.
Trunks: If he powerful ?
Hoi: Of course! He’s was a Great Hero!
Goku: Alright then....lets go! We'll seach for the dragon balls. All of us.
::Hoi does an evil smile::

Scene seven: Everyone goes into different places to search for the dragon balls
Hoi: The people of Earth are as helpful as I've heard!
Goku: Huh ? You're not from Earth ?
Hoi: Um, well, I, was just an expression!
::Everyone is flying differet ways to search for the dragons ball, Trunks and Goten headed up north (I think, it shows a snowy area), Gohan and Videl flys over a beach (I think) and Krillin is stuck in some park while Goku finds a Dragon ball in a zoo with a Lion playing with it. Goku gets it but ended up with a Lion in this head::

Scene Seven:
Everyone gathered around to Summon Sheng Long (Enteral dragon) to free Tapion from the music box.
Goku: We summon you, Sheng Long !
::the dragon appears of course (it would be a shame if it doesn't huh ? )::
Hoi: incredible! This is....Sheng Long!
Sheng Long: I can grant anything you desire, Speak your wish !

Hoi: I want to free the Great Hero Tapion !
Sheng Long: It shall be done....::does what Hoi asked:: Your wish is granted. Untill summon again, I leave....::divided into seven dragon balls again and goes off into the corners of the earth::
Bulma: Hey ! Wait a minute ! Nothing happen!
Videl: shhhhs ::puts her index finger in front of her month to say to be quiet::
:: the cranks turn by itself while playing a beautiful, pretty, song (the song that got me obesse!) ::
Hoi: Its turning by itself....
Bulma: What a beautiful melody.
Videl: But what happens next....
Trunks and Goten: He's coming! Here he comes!
::The music box opens with lots of smoke coming out::
Trunks and Goten: He's Here !
::The smoke seems to be everywhere and it hidden a person that came out of the music box that is playing an ocarina with the same melody of the song from the box::
Hoi: Incredible ::backs away and has an evil smile on his face::
::The power that is coming out of the music box is so great that the music box broke then later one the smoke became clear and everything that came out of the music box is disappearing only leaving a clear image of the Great Hero that was prison in the music box playing his ocarina.::
Goku: Everything the old man said was true !
Trunks: Wow
::The Great Hero stop playing his ocarina and has a seriously look on this face. Hoi walk up to Tapion and Tapion draw his sword and point his sword at Hoi ::
Tapion: Don't Move
Trunks: Cool sword!
Tapion: It was you who imprison me!
Hoi: Sorry to leave you such a cramped place for 1000 years.
Tapion: Return me at once!
Hoi: That won't be possible! The music box has been broken ::Hoi laughs and look at Tapion ocarina evily
Goku: Hey Hey Hey! You're finally back after all this time. To go back inside is....
::Tapion turn his back::
Tapion: Please leave me alone. You have no idea of the kind of trouble you brought upon yourselves
Goku: Trouble ?
::Tapion walks away and jump over some kind of big fence ::
Trunks: I want to be just like him!
Bulma: what are you talking about? He has the rudest manners I've ever seen....
Trunks: I'll be back! ::Trunks runs off after Tapion ::
Goten: Hey, Trunks....
Bulma: Wait! Come back, please !
Gohan: What do you think ?
Videl: He's got a dangerous feeling about him
Goku: I don't get it

Scene Eight:
::Trunks and Goten is at this wrecked factory building where Tapion run off to ::
Goten: Trunks! We should go back now!
Trunks: ::He finds a top, ceiling door:: What are you talking about? He's a Great Hero! Don't you want to hear him tell his story? ::opens the ceiling door::
Goten: But we have to became friends first....
Trunks: Thats why we're here ! ::Takes a peek from the ceiling door and sees Tapion looks stress and seems to be screaming(well, not really) and Trunks got scared and close the door::
Goten: What is it ?
Trunks: Just like a Great Hero! He looks trouble!

Scene Nine
::Everyone is at a party eating BBQ food, Goku is pigging out and Master Roshi is there als:
Gohan: Where'd the little old guy go ?
Goku: Thats right
Master Roshi: ::Roshi is pretty drunk (and **cough**prevented) He's probably out looking for cute girls. Thats what I'd be doing. ::Points at Videl and Gohan step in front of her::
Bulma: Not every old man is a disgusting prevent like you!
Master Roshi: You may not be as cute as you used to be but you're not bad for an older woman.
Bulma: ::is piss at Master Roshi and while Roshi is laughing Bulma slap him....hard::
Roshi: ::flys and slide on the ground hitting face first::
::Everyone laughs and Trunks and Goten trys to steal some food from the BBQ, and only one who knows about it was Goku but doesn't say anything instead helping them stealing the food and smile::

Scene Ten:
::Back where Tapion hided himself at a old wreaked factory Trunks and Goten is heading over there to give some food to Tapion::
Tapion: ::hears some noise and became alert and draw his sword only finding it was only Trunks and Goten::
Trunks: Ummmm....Big brother!....I'll just leave this food over here....::is scard and Tapion puts his sword back but still has a seriously look on his face:: Well....we've got to be going now....::Tapion sits back down:: I'll come back tomorrow, okay ?

Scene 11: There is a big traffic on one of the road bridge highway to a city and there people yelling at the road because its block and then there was an explosion in the city. In the city there a big gorzilla like monster but only a pair of legs attacking the city and people running away. Building came down and people started to panic while the monster attack. The army try to attack it but fail. Now The Great Saiyaman I and II look in horror and right now ready for action to defeat the monster but can they ?::
Great Saiyaman I: This is terrible! **flies to the monster**
Some army dude: Saiyaman? Great Saiyman has come!
Saiyaman II: What is that thing ?
::The tail of the monster is destroying the building and the roads and now the tail is heading there way and Saiyman I is grabbing Saiyaman II to get out of the way::
Saiyman II: What was that ? ….What is it ?
Saiyaman I: Some sort of weapon with legs…No…it’s the bottom half of a monster! The great evil that old man spoke of…could this be it ?
Saiyaman II: That’s must be it! Gohan let’s go to Plan A.
Saiyaman I: We’re attacking ?
Saiyman II: We have to!
::The two Saiyaman does a idiotic pose::
Saiyaman I and II: As long as the Great Saiyamen are here, evil will taste defeat!
Saiyaman I: Great Saiyaman #1
Saiyaman II: And #2
I and II: Onward to victory!
::The tail attack the two and The Great Saiyaman I kinda dodges but has a rough landing and his sunglasses came out ::
Saiyaman II: I said TO VICTORY! Weren’t you listening ?
::Gohan gets up and looks pretty mad about this time and dodges the attack of the monster tail that was aiming for him. Gohan does a nice flip dodge and landed on his feet (of course, it would be funny if he didn’t) ::
Gohan: Damn….Nobody wrecks my city like this and gets away with it! ::powers up which makes his little head cover comes off showing off his hair.:: Let’s go! ::Gohan flies to the monster while the monster tries to kick him off but fail. Gohan does a kick in the monster waist and the bottom half monster almost lost it balance but didn’t .:: Why won’t you fall ? ::monster still standing:: Okay then! ::changers at the monster below the towards the ground and the monster tries to kill Gohan by using its tail. Gohan files dodge move thingy that is hard to describe and throws an energy ball at it. The monster falls into the building and lost its balance:: That’s it I have to knock him off balance. (no really ? ) ::monster is about to get up again and swing its tail at Gohan, Gohan dodges again, does to lower ground and the monster is about to step on him but of course Gohan dodges and aim to his waist and punches the monster and goes low and kicks the monster and the monster falls! (finally…) BUT the monster gets up again and DOESN”T seem like losing any energy or power or even tried ! So Gohan get his hands together and does some kind of energy blast at the monster and the monster gets hit and the monster hit some buildings also then Gohan files into the air doing more energy blast at the monster while the monster is on the gone::
Saiyaman II: You did it !
SaiyamanI/Gohan: No, not yet. ::Then sudden you can hear Tapion flute playing in the background::
Saiyaman II: I know that melody! ::Tapion song continued playing while the smoke where the monster was being blasted clear out:: The monster just disappeared ?
::Gohan could see Tapion on the distance playing his ocarina/flute (whatever you want to call) and looks back and sees Gohan and Videl ::
Gohan: Tapion !
Saiyaman II: Gohan! Look….
::Videal points at a top of a building looking at Hoi who is jumping from building to building (or at least the last of the buildings after the attack) with a hood covering his head:: (AND THAT’S THE END OF SCENE 11! Boy that was long!)

Scene 12: There are rats eating Tapion food that was left from Trunks for Tapion to eat but Tapion didn’t eat. Tapion sat down and looks at his ocarina and hears a noise and turns his head and only found Trunks picking the coke cans that he drop so he can give to Tapion. Tapion gets up and put his ocarina in his belt :: Trunks: Big brother, I brought you some stuff….
Tapion: Stay away from me!
Trunks: No meed to get mad at me…::laid the stuff at the nearest place he can put them:: Haven’t you eaten anything yet ?
Tapion: GO AWAY!!!
Trunks: ::Runs off scared:: RIGHT!

Scene 13: Tapion is finally got some rest ! Lets just say it wasn’t a peaceful rest. Tapion is sleeping good, so good that the ocarina drop of his hands. Then something kind of smoke like is coming out of Tapion body and creates a vertex and everything is all windy and thunder (don’t know why, it just does). Tapion awakes and the first word he says….(well, read on)
Tapion: DAMN IT! ::Tapion reaches for his belt where he keeps his ocarina and only finds that its not there, and with that Tapion has a shooking look. This time, it was the upper half of the monster and the arm is reaches out for Tapion. Tapion dodges but has a rough landing and now the upper half of the monster comes out of the vertex and now it shows its head! (and a pretty ugly one too). Tapion looks around and finds his ocarina laying on the ground. The monster reaches for Tapion again by his arm and Tapion dodges again and goes for his ocarina/flute (whatever!) and then does off and got himself in a corner and the monster is putting his head in front of Tapion (and it’s a pretty big one too) and looks like the monster is going to eat Tapion up but Tapion plays his ocarina while the monster is trying to grab Tapion by its hands but the monster back away and Tapion gets up and stand and walk towards the monster while the monster is still backing away and toward is glowing and the monster is being stuck into Tapion body and Tapion stop playing and seems tried::

Scene 14: Trunks came back where Tapion is at and only finds the place is a total wreck !
Trunks: Wha….What!!! What happened here? …..You’re here! I brought you breakfast…. ::Tapion turns his head and has a seriously evil look:: I know. Gohan, said not to bother you! So long! I’ll be back later! ::lays food at the nearest place he can lay them::

Scene 15: Bulma and Videl is having fun washing dishes ! (lol).
Bulma: Trunks secretly snuck him some breakfast this morning
Videl: Trunks has really got a soft spot for him, doesn’t he ?
Buma: Goten’s jealous now that his ‘big brother’ has found a big brother of his own!
Videl: I know how Trunks feels. I’m an only child as well.
Bulma: But lately it been getting dangerous….
Videl: It’s Tapion who should worry about Trunks power! Scene 16: Now its night time, normally all the people of earth sleeps but not one person, its Tapion ! Tapion is playing his ocarina JUST for fun (I didn’t miss anything). Tapion is standing in front of the building which is shadowy and Trunks runs into the place not noticing that Tapion was in the front but Trunks finds a cat eating Tapion food that he left behind before
Trunks: Hey! Stop it! Stop it! That’s for my big brother! You’re not suppose to eat it…. ::Trunks complain and then doesn‘t:: Hey, big brother! I‘m putting your dinner over there okay!
::in the distance you can see Hoi who is watching Tapion and Trunks::
Trunks: Your flute sounds so nice! Play a little for me ? ::Tapion turns his head with a seriously mean look again:: I guess not!
::Hoi comes down from the roof top that he was watching the two and went behind Tapion and Tapion turns his head only finding Hoi was aiming for his ocarina, Hoi tries to gets the ocarina and the ocarina gets knock out of Tapion reach and goes towards pass Trunks. Trunks goes gets and pick it up. ::
Hoi: You brat! Give me the flute! ::runs towards Trunks and tries to grab it from him but Trunks dodges and the two fight and Trunk does some kind of back flip and gets away from Hoi and going to throw the ocarina back to Tapion till….(read on)
Tapion: Trunks! The flute!
Trunks: Right…::is about to throw the flute to Tapion from the pile of rock Trunks is standing::
Hoi: Wait, you brat ! Tapion’s no Great Hero! He’s the monster that destroyed the city! ::points at Tapion and Trunks looks at Tapion like a ‘I can‘t believe it look::
Tapion: Trunks, don’t believe him.
Hoi: The universe, this planet, he’ll destroy them all with it IF you give it back to him! So give me the flute!
Tapion: Trunks, trust me…
::Trunks is still confussed of who is he giving the ocarina too and Hoi got his hands open to get it to him and Trunks looks at the ocarina and looks at Tapion (boy, this is tempting….) who has a serious look , then looks at Hoi and looks at Hoi still and looks like that Trunks is giving the ocarina to Hoi::
Hoi: That’s right! Give me the flute!
::Trunks LOOKS like (and it really does) he is throwing the ocarina back to Hoi ! And Hoi has a little evil hehe while Tapion has a MAD look on his face. Then Trunks turns around and throws the ocarina to Tapion ! ::
Trunks: Big brother !
Hoi: Wha….Wha….Whaaaaat ? ::is very mad and runs off (well, more like jumping off) ::
Trunks: Big brother ! ::runs at Tapion with a happy face while Tapion has a serious face:: I know…I’ll leave now. ::begins to walk away ::
Tapion: You’re probably hungry. ::Trunks turns around and finds Tapion SMILING:: Mind joining me for dinner ? ::Trunks nods::

Scene 17: Videl and Bulma again at Bulma house.
Bulma: Imagine that, Trunks, making friends with a Great Hero !
Videl: It’s just amazing. He’s so excited!

Scene 18: Tapion and Trunks is in Trunks room so Trunks could show off his many toys he has. Tapion is just sitting there on the floor (looking sexy ^_~ ) enjoying the stay with Trunks.
Trunks: Hey! Hey! Hey! This one is my favorite! I got it for my birthday last year!
::shows some toy and meanwhile there a robot toy walking to Tapion and falls and breaks into two halfs, one upper, one lower, Tapion turn his head towards the two halves and stared at it::

Scene 18: Now in Trunks Room again but its nap time for Trunks and Tapion is shutting his light off by the switch.
Trunks: Hey, big brother, what about you ? Do you have any siblings ?
Tapion: ::sits at Trunks bed while Trunks lay down to go to sleep:: Yes, I have a little brother.
Trunks: Wow, cool! What’s he like ?
Tapion: He a lot like you, Trunks….a sweet kid.
Trunks: Tell me about your planet.
Tapion: That’s a good idea. My world is in the southern part of the galaxy, a world called Konats. It’s a lot like Earth, green with life and beautiful. Until the day an evil wizard released a demon upon us. We were attack by Hildegarn. People were killed. Cities were leveled. Everything was in ruins! (*sniff sniff*)::Now in Tapion mind in this little flash back: It shows people of his kind running in panic and fire all over the place and Tapion is just standing in the coward wondering what he can do and he looks up and see the monster thats called the Hildegarn::: Death seemed inevitable. Then a miracle happened ::end of flashback: Now Tapion looks over to Trunks and finds him sound asleep and Tapion smiles and then look deeply at Trunks ::Flash back 2: By Tapion was another person standing in the running coward, it was a little kid that almost looked like Tapion, the same kid in Scene 1 that was killed by the lower half of the monster, his name was Minosha:: Minosha….Did you die in the midst of all that horror as well ?….you stay well, Trunks

Scene 19: Bulma is walking alone in the hallway and finds Tapion just outside of Trunks room door. And starts to walk away .
Bulma:Where are you off to ? We like you, you’re welcome to stay as long as you like! It‘s no intrusion! Trunk couldn‘t be happier to have you here !
Tapion: I’m sorry, but I can’t
Bulma: Why not ?
Tapion: The spirit of that monster is trapped inside my body!
Bulma: Monster spirit? Now I’m confused! Come, explain it to me.

Scene 20: Now at a room where Bulma and Tapion are in drinking coffee.
Bulma: So what exactly do you mean by ‘monster spirit’?
Tapion: Alright, I’ll tell you the story of how my world was almost destroyed by this monster spirit! On Konats, there were those who practiced the black arts. In return for the energy of our people they were granted great power by their evil master. They use their black magic and brought the legendary evil of Hildegran to life.
Bulma: Those warlock must have possessed incredible dark powers.
Tapion: Yes, and Hoi is one of them!
Bulma: That old man fooled all of us. But why is the monster’s spirit in your body ?
Tapion: The warlocks were the only ones who could control them. Only my legendary flute and sword can keep it in check.
Bulma: Your flute and sword ?
Tapion: Yes. Weapons from the Gods themselves. While the monster was held at bay by my flute playing, a priest used the sword to split the monster to two - a top half and a bottom half. Hildegarn’s bottom half was imprisoned in my body. His top half was imprisoned in my little brother’s. Peace returned to the planet Konats. It was then that my brother and I became known as Great Heroes.
Bulma: Then how did you get trapped in the music box ?
Tapion: The warlocks came after the two of us next. To assure that the monster was banished forever, we agreed to be locked away in the music boxes….forever. But that wasn’t enough though. The closer together we were, the greater the danger of the monster escaping. We were placed in pod and sent to different ends of the galaxy in the hopes that they wouldn’t find us. But Hoi wants the whole universe as his own! That’s why he came looking for the music boxes!
Bulma: What about your brother ?
Tapion: Most likely he’s been killed.
Bulma: This is unforgivable!
Tapion: If the top half ever reaches me, the full horror of Hildegarn will be released again!
Bulma: Is that why for days at a time you never sleep ?
Tapion: Yes.
Bulma: No problem! Leave it to me!
Tapion: Ehh?
Bulma: How about I build something for you that acts like the music box to help to control the monster’s spirit ?
Tapion: You can do that ?
Bulma: I haven’t thrown out the broken music box et, so I’ll give it a try!
Tapion: Build it, please ! I’m begging you!
Bulma: Alright then! Wish me luck!
Tapion: Yes!

Scene 21: Its in the morning after from Scene 20. Tapion and Trunks are playing outside (Awww, how cute). Bulma comes out to tell Tapion the good news
Bulma: I’ve finished it! Meet me in Tapion’s bedroom!
::Trunks and Tapion turn around and stop playing::
Tapion: Really ?

Scene: 22 Now in Tapion’s Bedroom. Everything seems to be high tech. it’s a small room but Tapion is happy.
Bulma: It’s got the same configuration as the music box. Go on in and take a look. You can rest as ease in here without worry.
Tapion: Thank you so much!

Scene: 23 - Now in the streets again where Hoi is. Its at the night time and there’s people clothes everywhere. Then there is a big explosion in one of the buildings and people are running for their lives and trying to get away from the monster that seems to be the lower half of it that was attacking. The monster did something and got caught within the monster trap and seems to drain the people energy.
Hoi: This is not the full glory and might of Hildegarn! This is only the beginning of my great conquest of the galazy!!!
::Now the spirit seems to be following something, then the monster spirit seems to go in to Bulma house and then on to Tapion’s bedroom ! Tapion was sleeping peacefully and something like attacking him (its really hard to describe). The Hildegarn upper half was in front of Tapion (or it seems to be) and seems to be attacking Tapion to get the other half of the monster to come out of Tapion. Tapion seems to be screaming in pain and the monster spirit shakes the ground and everyone is awake by this point::
Bulma: What was that ?
::Bulma ran to where Tapion’s Bedroom is suppose to be but finds out it was in ruins and part of the house also. ::

Scene 24 - Goku and the group are all in the place where it all happen. Goku pick up a piece of the room what was.
Goku: This is what it was all about then.
::Just then Tapion came in and looked so weak he can hardly stand up. Gohan and Trunks came to him to help him because Tapion seems to be in a lot of pain.::
Trunks: Big Brother….What happen to you ? What about Hildegarn?
Tapion: I don’t know how but the top half is inside me now….But the bottom half is attacking the city!
Goku: What !?
Tapion: If the two halves become whole, he’ll possess unbelievable power! You’ll be no hope against him!
::Then all of the sudden Tapion can’t control the upper half of the monster spirit inside of him and falls to the ground::
Trunks: Big brother !
Bulma: Maybe I can build something more powerful to help you!
Tapion: NO! While Hildegran is still trapped inside me, you must kill me!
Trunks: Big brother !
::Theres a strange astrosphere around that comes from Tapion. Tapion seems to be suffering::
Tapion: Do it quickly!
::Then all of the sudden Hoi is there !::
Hoi: No you don’t !
::Then the lower half of the monster came in front of the DBZ gang ! Tapion gets his ocarina out and were going to play but Hoi blast it out of Tapion hand (ocarina is not broken). Trunks get the ocarina for Tapion and then the building fell on top of him, ::
Tapion: Trunks !!
::Then Trunks just came right out of the pile and throws the ocarina to Tapion. ::
Trunks: Big brother! Play it!
::Tapion caught it and smiles that Trunks is okay::
Tapion: Right!
::Tapion was just going to play but then something happen. The spirit is trying to get out of Tapion body and Tapion can’t control it. Tapion tries to but can’t and then started to scream and starting to lose his balance, Trunks just look in horror.::
Trunks: Big brother !
::Tapion continued to scream and drops his ocarina to the floor and it seems that the spirit came out all at once and it looks like that the spirit killed Tapion because it looks like Tapion is dieing (I don’t know how to explain how, If you see the Cell Saga, then look at it that way of how Cell die, that’s the best I could do,. Its like his disappearing, that’s now it looks, that’s the best I can do, sorry -.-() ). Then Tapion just collapse to the floor. Then the monster spirit when up to the air and become whole with the lower half. Tapion looks up and sees the monster. ::
Goku: His body….
Bulma: Reformed!
Hoi: After a thousand years of waiting the mighty Hildegarn is whole again ! Now drink deeply of these Earthling’s energy!
::Now the Hildegarn just punches the group of people (the Z gang) and Tapion grabs his ocarina and runs off while Trunks runs after him follow by Gohan and Goku. Now everyone is outside watching the mosnter Hildegarn destory Bulma house (that’s a present sight). Tapion jumps next to the nearest building and try to play his ocarina but it fail to seal the monster again. The Hildegarn just walks around and destroying buildings. The Hildegarn attacks Tapion with its tail, making everyone to dodge it. ::
Trunks: Big brother !
Hoi: It doesn’t matter what you try, he’s unstoppable!
Tapion: you fool!
Hoi: Now you will taste the full power of Hildegarn!
::Then Goku and Goten comes in front of the Hildegarn to fight it::
Goku: We can beat him!
::Goku and Goten flys up to the Hildegarn and tries to fight it, The Hildegarn throws some punches, Goku dodges them, Goku tries to throw a punch on his own but the Hildegarn like turn into smoke and teleport else where which is behind Goku where Hildegarn can attack him again. The Hildegarn throws a good punch, throwing Goku to the ground, pretty bad….I mean bad::
Goten: Father!
Trunks:: ::goes into the scene:: From here on in you should leave it up to me. Stay right here Big brother!
Tapion: Trunks !
::Trunks gives a thumb ups at Tapion::
::Now Gohan joins the fight with Goku and Goten::
Goku: We aren’t so easily beaten!
::Everyone turns to Super Saiyan beside Gohan (dunno why, I think his stupid) and goes to attack the Hildegarn. Gohan try at the Hildegarn but the Hildegarn disappear before he kick him. ::
Gohan: For something that huge It sure moves fast!
::The Hildegarn appears again and Goku does some kind of blast at him but the Hildegarn disappears again! Leaving Goku blast destroying buildings within the city. Then the Hildegarn teleport right behind Goku.::
Gohan: Father !
::The Hildegarn just knocks Goku back to the floor going through a building. Gohan tries to punch the Hildegarn again but the Hildegarn just disappears. And the Hildegarn appears again in front of Gohan, Gohan tries to kick it, The Hildegarn just disappears again. ::
Gohan: I can’t tell where he’s going to reform!
::The Hildegarn appears right in front of Gohan and tries to grab him Gohan leaving a screaming in pain Gohan ( >=) ). Then someone finally blast Hildegarn in the arm, but who could it be ? (read on….) ::
Vegeta: You’ve really done it now. You’ve destroyed my home! Don’t get too close to me, because I’m burning with rage ! ::Turns Super Saiyan::
::Vegeta comes to the rescue, NOT! He just wants to beat the crap out of the Hildegarn for making him mad. Vegeta turns to Super and flies to the Hildegarn. Vegeta flies low, the Hildegarn tries to step on him, but Vegeta dodges it. Vegeta files up and dodge the Hildegarn tail that was attacking him and then tries to punch the Hildegarn but the Hildegarn disappear. The Hildegarn appears again and attacks Vegeta, Vegeta stops the attack and the monster disappear again. And tries to knocks him off to the floor but Vegeta stops at midair and files back to the monster and Blast the monster again! (two blast so far, Vegeta seems to have the upper hand). Vegeta watches the smoke to clear from his attack but before that The Hildegarn appears again right behind Vegeta, Vegeta turns around only finding his getting hit by the Hildegarn tail and goes through a building and getting hurt by hitting the building floor. The Hildegarn is doing a fire breath attack to the building where Vegeta and lots of people in it too. Vegeta just stands up and looks around and sees the people started panic::
Vegeta: Damn!
::Vegeta does some kind of energy barrier to save the people in the building::
Vegeta: I can’t compare to him….either! ::turns back into his normal statues and falls down::
::Goku comes in to see hows Vegeta is::
Goku: Vegeta!
::The monster appears behind Goku and with it hands it smashing Goku, leaving a screaming in pain Goku.::
Trunks: Poppa !
Goten: Father!
:: Goku just fails to the ground like his dead or something (his not) and the monster uses some kind of fire breath to destroy the city some more:: Trunk and Goten: FUSI..ON…HAAA!
::Goten and Trunks fuse and turn into SSJ3 Gotenks.::
Gotenks: Now you face a third stage super Saiyajin. Hey, Hey you monster ! This has gone far enough! Gotenks is here to send you back to hell!
::The Hildegarn looks over to Gotenks evilly and tries to attack Gotenks but Gotenks dodges it easily. And Gotenks are doing a blast at the Hildegarn::
Gotenks: Rapid fire death missile barrage!
::Gotenks is blasting the Hildegarn with its famouse Rapid fire death missile barrage attack! The monster is hit, and trap, it seems the victory is all to Gotenks now and no more destructions could cause for the city, or is it….? (read on)::
Gotenks: Hey, Hey!….Ohh? Is that the best you had to offer? (the monster turn into stone or something) Big wimp! ::taps the stone like monster hardly
Goku: (Look! Its Goku back from the dead! LOL) What are you doing? Finish him off!
Gotenks: Okay, okay! ::flies up to attack:: Take this !
::When Gotenks blast the stone like Hildegarn, something happen, it wasn’t like stone like, it was like a shell like now, and its opening now to a MORE powerful Hildegarn!!! And Gotenk could do nothing but watch in horror. ::
Gohan: It…can’t be?!
Gotenks: No way!
::The New version of Hildegarn flies towards Gotenks and punches it and Gotenks hit the ground and the punch was so great that Gotenk disfuse into Trunks and Goten again. ::
Gohan: Goten! Trunks ! ::Now the Hildegarn garbs Gohen by its tail making Gohan screaming in pain. ::
Videl: Gohan! (why is she there ? She’ll just ended getting hurt)
::The Hildegarn blast Videl with some kind of fire breath. And Videl hit a building and falls down. (Told ya she’ll get hurt >=) ) Now the Hildegarn just roar and destroy the city some more ::
Goku: Such unbelievable power! That monster !
::Goku flies to the Hildegarn and ended getting hit badly by the monster fire breath like attack but Goku DIDN’T get hurt, he dodge it! But got hit by the monster tail and then tries to blast it but blast a building and Goku KNOWS that the Hildegarn is right behind him and going to hit him….Badly….very bad.::
Goku:: Damn it!
::Now people in the streets are running for their lives from the destruction of the Hildegarn. ::
Goku: All this damage…innocent people will be hurt.
::Goku gets up from the pile parts of the building that was on top of him. ::
Goku: Damn! No matter how much we throw at it…it just won’t fall. ::collapse::
Hoi: That’s it! Destroy the entire galaxy! All of it will become energy for Hildegarn to feed on!
::Then all of the sudden everyone hears Tapion ocarina playing and Hoi turns around with a bad look on his face. Everyone seems to be knock out and unconscious.
Trunks: ::wakes up:: Big brother….
::Tapion just keeps playing his ocarina and tries to seal the monster away, the Hildegarn monster seems to be roaring.::
Hoi: You fool! It’s too late for that now !
::The monster does some kind of fire breath to Tapion, Tapion just does a energy shield to protect himself from the blast but leaving the building Tapion was standing in destroyed::
Hoi: Whaaat ?
::Trunks just watch as Tapion continued playing his ocarina and the monster seems to be weakening. ::
Trunks: A great hero…. Big brother is definitely a great hero !
Tapion: ::continued playing his ocarina:: **thinking:: I’m not going to let you ruin this world, too! ::**
::Tapion comes forward to the monster (in mid air) still playing his ocarina::
Tapion: **thinking:: Feeding on the suffering of people! With your never ending hunger! ::**
::The monster is seems to be disappearing and being seal within Tapion::
Hoi: You can’t !
::Hoi can’t do nothing as the Hildegarn just disappearing, being seal within Tapion body while he plays his ocarina. Once the whole monster is sealed within Tapion, Tapion collapsed to the ground::
Trunks: ::runs towards Tapion:: You did it! You did it, Big brother !
Tapion: ::gets up on his knees bring out his sword and handed to Trunks:: Trunks! Now that Hildegarn and I are one, you must kill me! ::Trunks smile turn upside:: You must kill me!
Trunks: I can’t do that !
Tapion: ::Shouts louder then Trunks:: Do you want to be a Great Hero or not ?
Trunks: ::nods sideways and is about to cry of what Tapion is asking of him to d: I can’t….
Tapion: Trunks, the whole world is in danger while I’m alive. Do it ! I want to die as a hero! If we imprison him once more time he’ll never be free again! Do it!
::Trunks grab the sword handle gently and hold it up:: (and while this thing is going on theres a sad song in the background, just thought I’ll tell you that ^_^ () )
Tapion: Thank you, I’m lucky to have met you.
::Trunks raise the sword up as if he is going to kill Tapion::
::Trunks hesitated to kill Tapion and the sword is still in this hand in the air. While Hoi is charging at him. Tapion feels a great energy leaving him and Trunks watch Tapion while Tapion is screaming in pain because the spirit of the Hildegarn is being released. Trunks drop the sword and goes towards Tapion.
Trunks: Big brother!
::Tapion just screams as the monster is coming out of him. The power was great that Tapion ocarina broke into pieces. Trunks just watch in horror while Tapion is in pain, The monster is back, and Hoi is back talking them
Hoi: You fool! Did you think that you alone could hold back the might of Hildegarn?…..::laughs evilly:: I win!
::And with that last words of Hoi, he gets step on by Hildegarn, killing him like he was nothing but a bug. Now the Hildegarn is coming towards Trunks and Tapion, Trunks just looks at the monster, as he has no choice but to fight him but then Trunks and Tapion hears a scream coming from Goku, he was turning into Super Saiyan 3 ! ::
Goku: This must go no further. ::The Hildegarn flys to Goku and tries to punch him but Goku just teleport before the Hildegarn could even touch him. Then Trunks comes along and slice the Hildegarn tail off (dunno why) and the Hildegarn starts roaring in pain. Trunks was about to slice the monster again but Goku stop him.
Goku: Trunks, that’s enough! He’s mine to finish!
::Goku just looks at the monster seriously::
Goku: I only have one chance to finish him while he’s in his full form.
::Goku flies and charges at the Hildegarn and the Hildegarn tries to knock down Goku with his hand and Goku got hit but it didn’t hurt him then Goku smiles and says….(read on)
Goku: is that all you’ve got ?
::The Hildegarn punches Goku and Goku just stop the Hildegarn punch with his own hands::
Goku: That last punch….was pretty weak! ::The Hildegarn roars:: Hey, come on! Let’s see what you’ve got!
::The Hildegarn roars and throw a punch at Goku hitting him hard ! (hey, he ask for it…) but Goku stops it BARELY::
Goku: I’ve got to do this…..I can’t lose now! ::lands on the ground:: If I don’t do it….::The Hildegarn punches Goku once more:: Who will ? ::Goku gets ready to do a REALLY cool NEW punching attack on the Hildegarn, so Goku gathers his strength, charges at the Hildegarn and dodge the Hildegarn punch and Goku seems to punch Hildegarn in midair but summoning a golden like dragon spirit at the Hildegarn::
::The Golden like dragon spirit goes though the Hildegarn body and the dragon wraps around the Hildegarn, squeezing it to death and the Hildegarn is no more….::
Trunks: He did it !!!!!!
::Tapion is surprise and Goku is just standing there and surprise of his own victory, more like enjoying his victory.::
Tapion: It’s my fault that all these people had to die (the citizen people).If only I could control it!

Scene 25: I THINK it’s the next day, everyone gather around the Time machine that Bulma built for Tapion, the place surrounding is still wreck from the battle of the Hildegarn. ::
Goku: Don’t worry, Sheng Long will be able to revive all those that were killed.
Bulma: That should do it, it’s set 1000 years in the past….your timeline.
Tapion: Thank you
Trunks: Oh oh, just when I finally had a big brother and now he’s leaving….
Bulma: As long as he’s got the time machine, you two will meet again.
Trunks: Hey, that’s right!
Tapion: Trunks!
::Tapion toss his sword to Trunks and Trunks caught it.::
Trunks: For me ?
Tapion: Yeah! I’ve got no use for it anymore
Trunks: Wow, alright!
Goten: Lucky!!
Tapion: Take care everyone, and be well!!!
::Tapion shuts the cover of the Time mechine and the time machine goes up in the air and disappear (*sniff sniff*) and Trunks runs a little away from the group and looks where Tapion disappear and smile to himself…. :: The End.

Ending Song during Credits:

(it shows clips of Mira No Trunks (Future Trunks) using his sword to kill Frieza then clips of the movie)

This blue star….
I now embarce….
It’s not a lie….
The dreams are dancing
He who destroys
I cannot forgive
The extremest passion
Dragon ball

When I strike
I disappear like smoke
The next enemy
Will be surprised
GO! Stay on guard
GO! Gohan & Videl
GO! If the others….
KICK! May fall
Then finally
it is only me
If I can’t do it
Who can
Its no lie
The game has gone far enough
I’ll show you the Super Saiya-Jin Power !
The Ultimate Battle
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-6-1 22:48:01编辑过]

 楼主| 发表于 2004-6-1 22:50 | 显示全部楼层

作者:hongen 发表时间:2004-1-14 11:20:24 好长 西方人就是变态

作者:lovegoku 发表时间:2004-1-15 11:14:00 楼主哪里找的?

作者:由于悟空 发表时间:2004-1-16 23:10:56 [em59] 那位翻译翻译阿!

作者:午夜格古洛 发表时间:2004-1-17 16:05:24 干嘛要翻译啊?片子都有中文字幕,还有彩漫!

发表于 2004-6-5 19:06 | 显示全部楼层



发表于 2004-6-6 02:47 | 显示全部楼层
以下是引用微蓝在2004-6-5 19:06:32的发言:


[此贴子已经被龙珠管理员于2005-9-26 15:50:17编辑过]

发表于 2004-6-6 11:46 | 显示全部楼层



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发表于 2004-6-8 16:12 | 显示全部楼层


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