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[讨论区] 【转载】关于DBS 43集

发表于 2016-5-18 12:49 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
DBS 43集播出后,引起了汤上洋妞们的一番议论,转载部分评论过来,除了一如既往的发牢骚,也分享下一些不同的看法。

原贴:  原贴下面有部分转载评论一并翻译。

Okay… I don′t know why everyone is hyping about the newest DB Super episode that much (Ep 43).. I watched it and immediately shut off because of bad jokes, disrespectfullness and a Goku who behaves totaly OOC to me… What the hell TOEI?!? Why?!? What happened? o.O I′m…confused… Really confused….

Are we now that far with bad jokes on sexual ways with treating your female characters like shit?!? Really?!?


It’s like op has never read/seen the original Dragon Ball.

Really now.

It’s like… Just because someone has observed a culture for a period of time does not make one automatically integrated and familiar with all the nuances of that culture. Goku has always been insensitive. Goku does not care one iota about being politically correct. Goku has no concept of feminism and the values of that particular political movement (yes, political) are not even an issue in Dragonball/Z/Super so don’t even try to make it an issue because it’s not the friggen point of the DB-verse. Do you see the women lamenting their positions or treatment? NO! They all choose their roles. They also fight back against anything that does make them uncomfortable.

It’s a work of fiction. A work of fiction that takes into account how absurd the actual world/universe really is and tries to highlight those things. (I.e. Master Roshi being the greatest martial artist and also being a pervy womanizer - this duality is used to HIGHLIGHT differences and absurdity {and also makes for well-rounded, complex characters}).

So I read Goku’s “out of line”/OOC comments here as an aspect of his characterization shining through and morphing - yes he’s being a jerk, but it’s not directed specifically at Bulma but at Vegeta because he’s trying to rile Vegeta because Goku is a fucking troll who likes to fight people for fun. This is nothing new.

End rant.






Believe me, I have seen original DB but I expect an adult Goku to grow up a lil bit at least. I was just saying my own opinion to the episode that gone too far for my thoughts. I wasn’t expected that. That’s not the way of jokes I like.


“Goku has no concept of feminism and the values of that particular political movement (yes, political) are not even an issue in Dragonball/Z/Super so don’t even try to make it an issue because it’s not the friggen point of the DB-verse.”

Okay. But to quote Jane Espenson: “…if we can’t write diversity into sci-fi, then what’s the point? You don’t create new worlds to give them all the same limits of the old ones.”

Although I wasn’t personally bothered by the joke, it’s a complete and total cop-out to say that a tasteless joke is justified because “that’s not the point of the DB-verse”. The DragonBall universe does not exist in a bubble. It exists in the real world – THIS ONE. And tactless Goku didn’t make the joke – A WRITER DID. A writer from THIS REALITY. In this world, the feminist movement exists. Women DO lament their positions, and rightfully so. Women are constantly victims of rape culture, constantly recipients of unsolicited comments about their bodies, constantly judged and valued by their appearance. I completely understand why people would be bothered by the joke.

I agree that the show often presents paradoxical characters, and your example of Roshi is a good one. Goku is another character with many contrasts: not particularly bright but a brilliant fighter; not particularly selfless but by nature of his superhuman strength ends up becoming Earth’s saviour time and time again. I appreciate how this adds complexity to characters. But I do feel that to repeatedly use sexual jokes towards the same female character, and then to not have any real backlash or commentary on the nature of those jokes, simply presents them as crass comic relief opportunities. There are other ways to present Goku as being politically incorrect without turning to the same tiresome, degrading humour.

Lastly, I think it’s very important to remember that the primary market of the DragonBall franchise is children. I would really hope that my children would not learn from a cartoon that it is okay to make unsolicited comments about a woman’s breasts – or any part of her body for that matter. I realize it happens. I realize that it often slides into pop culture without anyone batting an eye or even noticing. But I think noticing and talking about it is the first step to creating a positive shift.

评论2 (针对评论1):“悟空一向粗枝大叶,他当然一丁点儿也不会关心政治正确,当然也没有女权的概念,而女权运动的价值观也从未出现在DB系列中,所以不要试图去强调这点因为DB世界从来不会关心这点。[size=1.2em]”

好吧,但是用 Jane Espenson(电视编剧/制片人)的话来说:“如果我们在虚构类作品中无法展现多样性,那么虚构类作品的意义何在?你创造了一个新世界,不是为了给这个世界的角色带去和现实世界一样多的条条框框和束缚的。”




I love to read the difference aspect of this one particular episode (I shouldn’t say anything because I stopped watching dbs on episode 27) I thought it was a culture thing, something that happens where it’s made (is it a big deal there?) Disney and other animation studios here do something similar but at least with some tact (to better connect to the adults that take children to these movies. More than once me and the hubs raise an eyebrow on a joke that kids don’t get) is this joke a big deal?! I’m an old-ish gal. My breast do sag (from breastfeeding, weight gain, gravity, lack of wearing a bra!?) Is this just a running joke!? I love vegeta and love that the comment riles him up and the fact that goku is a jerky. Lol I guess I’m the only one that laughed..well me and @terasedward 😚 More tact maybe…and didn’t Jaco say it?! Goku just repeated it. Oh big dummy!

评论3:我很高兴能读到关于这集的不同见解,我觉得我最好什么都别说,因为从27集开始我就停止追DBS了。我相信这种评论女性身体的笑话是源于这部动画制作地(日本)的男尊女卑文化,在那里真的没问题吗?迪士尼和北美的一些动画工作室也会产出类似的笑话,但更巧妙更隐晦,因为这样才能更好地说服家长带孩子去看动画电影/允许孩子看动画片。观看过程中我们这些成年人会留心到xing暗示的地方,而孩子们则不会。这些玩笑性质严重吗?当然不是,大概因为我是个观念陈旧的女性。我的胸部早就因为哺乳/增重/地球引力/常年不带乳罩而松垮垮了,然而这好笑吗?我很喜欢贝吉塔,也很喜欢评论1提到的 “通过激怒贝吉塔来体现这点”,以及“悟空是个混球”。哈哈大概我是这里唯一可以一笑了之的人,而且之前加克不也说了?悟空不过重申了一遍而已。噢悟空啊你这个大笨笨!


发表于 2016-5-18 15:20 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 仪迷 于 2016-5-18 15:22 编辑

哇哇我觉得这集算是日常中的上乘之作了,原来争议都在下垂吗都怪加克和祖诺  英文版可能七八月就要开播了,不知道会怎么改这些段子

发表于 2016-5-18 20:24 | 显示全部楼层
好吧在男性观众眼里这只是个寻常的梗…… 而且瞬移遭遇布洗澡这种剧情早已是各路同人喜闻乐见的创作方式


发表于 2016-5-18 22:35 | 显示全部楼层
karoine 发表于 2016-5-18 20:24
好吧在男性观众眼里这只是个寻常的梗…… 而且瞬移遭遇布洗澡这种剧情早已是各路同人喜闻乐见的创作方式[jo ...


发表于 2016-5-18 23:30 | 显示全部楼层

发表于 2016-5-18 23:46 | 显示全部楼层

发表于 2016-5-19 03:15 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 仪迷 于 2016-5-19 03:19 编辑
那誰啊就那誰 发表于 2016-5-18 23:46
突然覺得“超”一下子被救活了有沒有……本來沒什麼人看,結果空哥隨便一句台詞就炸出好多評論。如果網上針 ...


发表于 2016-5-19 23:31 | 显示全部楼层
我去nico看都是抱怨女尊男卑的 然而美帝却不这么认为

发表于 2016-5-19 23:54 | 显示全部楼层
caidou 发表于 2016-5-19 23:31
我去nico看都是抱怨女尊男卑的 然而美帝却不这么认为



 楼主| 发表于 2016-5-22 13:33 | 显示全部楼层



从01年第一次接触到DB至今的15年里,我很高兴能见证这部作品的成长和演进,也很高兴能以DBS 43集来划上我对这部作品认知的句号。


发表于 2016-5-22 15:19 | 显示全部楼层

发表于 2016-5-22 19:38 | 显示全部楼层
終極資訊家 发表于 2016-5-22 15:19

像猎人一样 重画

发表于 2016-5-22 20:40 | 显示全部楼层
終極資訊家 发表于 2016-5-22 15:19


发表于 2016-5-25 12:35 | 显示全部楼层
saiyangoku 发表于 2016-5-22 20:40


发表于 2016-5-28 23:03 | 显示全部楼层

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