11. Las Vegas (12)
12. Anna Kournikova (26)
13. Harry Potter (14)
14. Taxes (24)
15. Lord of the Rings (50)
16. Final Fantasy (13)
17. Winter Olympics (-)
18. WWE (10)
19. Grand Theft Auto 3 / Vice City (-)
20. Chu Mei-Feng (-)
21. The Bible (18)
22. Marijuana (23)
23. NASCAR (22)
24. Jennifer Lopez (15)
25. Spider-Man (-)
26. Playstation 2 (32)
27. Star Wars (59)
28. Baseball (30)
29. Eminem (34)
30. World Trade Center (8)
31. Shakira (-)
32. Yu-Gi-Oh! (-)
33. September 11 (-)
34. Brooke Burke (90)
35. Golf (19)
36. The Sims (35)
37. NBA (42)
38. New York City (27)
39. Prom Dresses (75)
40. Anorexia (-)
41. Pokemon (7)
42. Halloween Costumes (56)
43. Skateboarding (29)
44. World War II (49)
45. Nelly (-)
46. Survivor (31)
47. Valentine's Day (51)
48. College Basketball (-)
49. Napster (3)
50. Super Bowl (-)
51. Civil War (-)
52. Greek Mythology (78)
53. Xbox (99)
54. Martha Stewart (79)
55. Christina Aguilera (61)
56. Buffy the Vampire Slayer (63)
57. WinMX (-)
58. Mortgage Rates (44)
59. The Simpsons (33)
60. Osama bin Laden (5)
61. Chicago (-)
62. Powerball (76)
63. Star Trek (40)
64. Tupac Shakur (55)
65. William Shakespeare (57)
66. Martin Luther King, Jr. (94)
67. Barbie (84)
68. Linkin Park (-)
69. Diabetes (-)
70. Oprah Winfrey (93)