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发表于 2007-12-4 02:29 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 悟空の格古洛 于 2016-8-4 04:24 编辑

調查份數已足夠,謝謝大家的熱心幫助^ ^
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-12-5 4:10:13编辑过]
691 ワ ワ

发表于 2007-12-4 02:35 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 悟空の格古洛 于 2016-8-4 04:24 编辑

我不會英文耶,所以我用中文回喔?@@ 1、書籍,食物 2、網購、商店 3、自已,因為才能去逛自已想逛的地方 4、波蜜果菜汁的廣告,很多人都不會煮飯呀,都吃外面的= =" 5、電視 6、書,價格不會太貴,而且感覺內容很不錯 7、品質和價格 8、特價品又一定用的到的東西 9、便宜的就買多一點,如果是一樣的東西卻又不同種的話,我會選最便宜的 10、昨天,買牛排,因為他超低特價加上我爸明天生日所以買,花了大約十五分鐘 320 G G

发表于 2007-12-4 02:44 | 显示全部楼层
以下是引用明镜止水在2007-12-4 2:29:13的发言: 上某個課老師要求我們去做一個針對青少年的採訪,請大家如果有空的話回答一下下面的問題,不勝感激! 我翻譯了一下,回答用中文就可以了,如果有能力的同學要用英文回答更歡迎.........截至到周四晚 1) On which items do you spend the most every month (clothes, accessories, entertainment – music, games, books, food & drinks, cigarettes & drugs)? 你每個月在什麽物品上花銷最多?(衣服,飾品,娛樂,音樂,遊戲,書籍,食物&飲料,煙&違禁藥物) 2) Where do you do your shopping, why (go to the mall for social/entertainment reasons, buy on the net, small shops, shopping areas etc)? 你通常在何處購物?爲什麽?(為社會/娛樂原因去銷品茂, 網上購物,商店,購物中心等) 3) Who do you like to shop with and why? 你喜歡和誰一起去購物,爲什麽? 4) Can you recall any advertisements currently? What products or services are they for? What about the ads made you think of them? 你能回想起最近的某個廣告嗎?它們是什麽商品的廣告?這廣告造成了你對該產品的什麽印象? 5) What for your opinion is the most efficient media for advertising? ( TV commercials, internet, cinema, magazines…)? 你認爲那種媒體的廣告效用最佳?(電視,網絡,電影,雜誌...) 6) Who/what mainly influences your major shopping decisions and in which way? 誰/什麽最深刻影響了你的購物決定,怎樣影響的? 7) What are the most important thing for you in a certain product (brand, quality, uniqueness, to have what my friends have etc.)? 你認爲對一個產品來講什麽最重要?(品牌,質量,獨一性,為了擁有你朋友有的,等等) 8) When you go shopping do you have a specific thing you want to buy or you just buy what you think is great at the moment and if so – what drives you to do so (attractive price, sale, your friend etc..)? 儅你去購物時,你有特定的購買目標嗎?或者你只是買下那些你認爲不錯的東西?如果是後者,什麽影響你做出購買的決定?(有吸引力的價格,減價,你的朋友,等等) 9) Do you tend to buy more or different kind of things when you shop with your friend, parents or alone? 儅你和你的朋友,父母一起購物或獨自購物時,你傾向于買更多或者不同種類的東西嗎? 10) What was the last significant purchase you made? How long were you planning to buy it? Why did you decide to purchase that item? 你最近一次的購物是什麽?為買這個你打算了多長時間?是什麽使你決定購買該物品?

1.For now......I think food and drink is my major spending portion........Actually, it depends.

2.........In United States? Can i just skip this question XD? School............If I can drive, maybe the answer will change a little bit........(cause my mom will buy everything i want, if only i tell her.

3. My mom, or just myself.

4. D&G's jewlry. Those guys are handsome!!

5. TV

6. Depends, sometimes it depends on the functions of the products, sometimes i just buy it for the super cute appearance

7.quality and uniqueness

8. Only when I want to buy something.

9. With my mom or relatives, then the answer is yes.

10. what..........?cereal? i want to eat i go buy it..........XD|||


[此贴子已经被作者于2007-12-4 2:49:23编辑过]

发表于 2007-12-4 02:56 | 显示全部楼层



3.一个人去.....速度比较快.....而且可以去自己想逛的地方 =.=








发表于 2007-12-4 03:14 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 悟空の格古洛 于 2016-8-4 04:24 编辑

1.magezines. the mall, because everyone go to the mall for shopping.= = friends

4.a cover girl commercial

5.TV commercials

6.the price

7.the design

8.only if i really like the product.

9.maybe. mainly are clothing and aaccessories

10.a dress and a handbag.= =i just like the dressXD...

ぶ ぶ

发表于 2007-12-4 20:27 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 悟空の格古洛 于 2016-8-4 04:24 编辑

1.Food and Drink. 2.Shops and shopping malls. 3.And his girlfriend or because the character and ... 4.Yes: They are advertising on the hospital, I had a bad impression, because a lot of the recent very close such advertising.

5.Television and network. 6.I 7.I think it is quality. 8.Yes, almost manga will buy some toys, books and eat, cherish the affected. 9.Yes 10.Yesterday, I bought a Pearl Figure, games Wang magic cards and eat, want to go out shopping.


317 M M

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