以下是引用凌心在2004-1-14 10:23:04的发言:
Ai shiteru: I love you
Arigatou: thank you
Baishunfu: whore
Baka: idiot/dummy/retard
Bishounen: beautiful boy.
Bishoj beautiful girl.
Bozu: kid
Chan: suffix for dear (i.e. Veggie-chan)
Chibi: little/small/young
Chott just a minute
Dare: who
Dok where
Dooshite: why
Dom but
Ecchi: Less than hentai. Like a lime is less than a lemon (fic wise)
Futaoya (formal)/Oya (informal): parents/'rents
Gaki: brat
G 5
Go-juu: 50
Gomen: sorry
Gou: number
Hana/Hanna: flower
Hentai: pervert, perverse
Hont really
Hachi: 8
Hachi-juu: 80
Hai: yes
Hikari: light or good
Hime: princess (suffix)
Hisama: fuck
Ichi: 1
Iie: no
Imoutochan: younger sister
Iinazuke: fiance
Itsu: when
Ja: informal goodbye
Ja ne: informal goodbye
Jinzouningen: artificial human
Juu: 10 (i.e. Juuhachi-gou)
Kamesennin: turtle hermit (i.e. Kamesennin Muten Roshi)
Kami: god
Kawaii: cute
Ki: life energy (a.k.a. aura (American) or chi (Chinese))
Koi: love (term of endearment) Also means ""fish pond"".
Koibit lover
Koishii: beloved
Konban-wa: good night
Konichi-wa: formal hello
Ku: 9
Ku-juu: 90
Kun: suffix for young men
Kur black (as in evil)
Kuso/K'so/Chikush shit
Manga: Japanese comic book
Matte: wait a minute
Minikui: bitch
Minna: everyone, people
Mirai: future (i.e. Mirai Trunks)
Moshi Moshi: hello (on the phone)
Muten: master (as in teacher or instructor)
Nana: 7
Nana-juu: 70
Nani: what
Nasai: very
Ne: okay
Neo-: new (prefix)
Ni: 2
Ni-juu: 20
Ningen: human
Obaasan: grandmother
Obasan: aunt
Okaasan (formal)/Kaasan (informal): Mother/Mom (Mama is written the English way)
Ototochan/Totochan: younger brother
Ohay good morning
Ojichan: uncle (one you're close to)
Ojisan: uncle (one you're not close to)
Ojiichan: grandfather (one you're close to)
Ojiisan: grandfather (one you're not close to)
Omae: you
Omake: extra
Onna: woman
Oneesan/Neesan: sister
Onegai: please (shortened form)
Oniichan/Nichan: brother (one you're close to)
Oniisan: brother (one you're not close to)
Oui: king
Ouji: prince
Otaku: obsessed fan
Otousan (formal)/Tousan (informal): Father/Dad (Papa is written the English way)
Owari: the end
Roku: 6
Roku-juu: 60
San (by itself): 3
San (after a name & a hyphen): suffix for Mr. or Mrs. (Also used for people you just met.)
San-juu: 30
Sama: suffix for respect (i.e. Kami-sama)
Sayonara: farewell. A formal goodbye
Seme: dominant (or the top)
Sensei: teacher (can be used with a name or alone)
Senshi: soldier (i.e. Sailor Senshi or Z-Senshi)
Shenlong/Shenlon/Shenron: dragon (i.e. Shenlong of Dragon Ball and Wufei's Shenlon Gundam)
Shine: die
Shinnigami: god of death (mostly Gundam Wing i.e. nickname for Duo)
Shojo ai: girl love. The lesser form of Yuri
Shounen ai: boy love. The lesser form of Yaoi.
Shoyuu: my possession/mine
Sofub grandparents
Sugoi: wow, cool, awesome, etc. (you get the picture)
Sumimasen: sorry or excuse me
Tadaima: I'm home
Tenshi: angel
Tomodachi: friend
Uke: submission (or the bottom)
Yaoi: male/male (graphic sex)
Yon: 4
Yon-juu: 40
Yosh: all right!
Yuri: female/female (graphic sex)
Ohayo gozaimazu: A very good morning to you.
Bakayar You idiot/dummy/retard
Chotto Matte: wait just a minute
Gomen Nasai: very sorry
Minna-san: a formal ""everyone""
Omae o Korosu: I'm going to kill you (mostly Gundam Wing i.e. Heero ^_^)
Shigata gai nai: there's no help for it
Suki da: me too