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发表于 2004-1-14 09:02 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
作者:adimra 翻译:凌心


Please note that many of the following questions contain personal opinions and may not be completely accurate. I noticed that these questions regarding Bulma and Vegeta come up a lot and thought I'd try my hand at answering them.

Just how did Bulma and Vegeta get together?
Ah, one of the great mysteries of the universe, this topic has been explored by hundreds of fanfiction writers everywhere. The coming together of Bulma and Vegeta is never actually shown in the Anime or Manga; it is left up to the viewer's imagination. All that is known is that sometime in the three years before the androids attack, they get together long enough to conceive Trunks. Mirai Trunks tells Goku that Bulma and Yaumcha broke up and out of passion and loneliness Bulma and Vegeta got together.

Did Yaumcha ever cheat on Bulma?
This is one of the most disputed topics in B/V fandom, and usually, once you've picked a side, it's very hard to change your opinion. There are people who say he did and others who say he didn't, and I doubt that there will be a resolution anytime soon.
However, I want to first make it known that the bad rap that Yaumcha receives in a lot of fanfiction is undeserving (and I'm talking B/V get togethers - not A/U's - in A/U's you can do whatever you want ;p). Yaumcha is NOT a rapist, woman beater or drunk. Neither is Bulma a meek little angel who would sit back and take that kind of crap.
In the beginning of DBZ, Bulma talks about Yaumcha and another woman when she and Krillin go and pick him up from his baseball game. Before the androids arrive, we see Yaumcha ogling girls in an aerobics class - but that's all he seems to be doing, ogling! When Mirai Trunks comes, he tells Goku that Yaumcha had been unfaithful. Now, this is where the controversy comes in. Some people say that the Japanese word used was 'fickle' and others say it was 'unfaithful.' I have heard people insist it was 'fickle' while others 'confirmed' it was 'unfaithful.' So go ahead and take your pick. There are other controversies and everyone has their own theories of what happened, and since one side is not going to sway the other side any time soon, I'll just leave it at that.

Is there really a bond? Where did it come from?
(译注:此问应与Nora的龙珠同人《The Third Bond》有关,此文已由Range译为中文,“bond”一词译为“联系”,本文沿用此译法。《The Third Bond》中写道,塞亚人一生可能与其他人建立的只有三种联系。通常情况下只能看到其中的一种,也有一些人拥有两种,但第三种,却很少,非常少……第一种是和敌人之间的联系,第二种是战斗的伙伴,第三种则是和伴侣。大家如有兴趣可发信索要该译文,Range大的信箱是
The bond has become a staple in B/V fanfiction and many believe that it was in fact, invented in fanfiction - but that is only part true. In 1995, a writer going by the pen name 'Katchan,' started her ambitious 50 chapter 'Saiyajin,' it was her ""Dragonball withdrawal whim."" I believe she was the first to give the bond its name, and it further inspired Nora Jemison's 'The Third Bond.'
答:“联系”来源于布贝fans的创作,许多人相信那是真的——不过更确切地说,只有部分真实。有个笔名为Katchan的作者从1995年开始了她足有五十章的长篇大作《Saiyajin》,那是她对龙珠世界的设想。我认为她是第一个冠以“联系”一词的人,Nora Jemison的龙珠同人《The Third Bond》就是从她那里得到的灵感。
Now, were Bulma and Vegeta ever truly bonded in the Anime? Though it was never clearly stated as a bond, Bulma and Vegeta had a deep connection that was the basis for this. When Vegeta sacrificed himself to Buu, Bulma immediately sensed something was wrong, even though she wasn't near him. Fanfiction has further romanticized this by including telepathy or the sharing of memories etc. as part of the bonding process. While that is just an interpretation of what my have happened, it's more based on fact than fanfiction (hurray ^_^). 布尔玛和贝吉塔在过去真的建立了“联系”吗?尽管“联系”没有一个明确的定义,不过布贝之间的确存在着令人费解的关系。当贝吉塔为对付布欧而牺牲自己时,虽然布尔玛距离他很远,但能立刻感觉到有什么东西不对头了。同人小说使它更加浪漫化,比如说成心灵感应或记忆共存什么的。这似乎是“联系”的部分表现。我这么解释我所发现的东西,它应该比那些同人小说更接近于事实(呵呵^_^)。

Ok, so what about this biting thing that usually comes with a bond?
Along with the bonding, a bite on the neck is usually involved with Bulma and Vegeta romances. Unlike bonding, the bitemark has no concrete basis on the anime. I believe biting was first used in either 'Saiyajin' or 'The Third Bond' or perhaps both. I believe one rumour was that the reason Bulma wore those scarves in the Buu Saga was to cover up her Saiyan hickey ;p! Over the years though, the bitemark has come to symbollize a number of things like ownership, marriage etc. and I'm sure that B-Chan's 'Lemon Chapters' had a hand in that.
答:伴随着“联系”,布贝浪漫史常会有些棘手但很刺激的事发生。不同于“联系”,刺激不是一种具体的东西。我认为“刺激”一词最先用于《Saiyajin》或《he Third Bond》,又或者这两篇文都用过。我比较相信这样一个传言:布尔玛之所以在布欧篇总戴着丝巾,是为了掩饰她的赛亚丈夫留下的吻痕;p!虽然过了许多年,但那痕迹依然是所有者或婚姻生活之类的象征。我确信B-Chan的龙珠同人《Lemon Chapters》正缘于此。
Thanks to Lisalu for pointing out that biting is an animalistic thing that big cats do to mark their mates. The nose and chin bite/kiss is also something cats do and also was used in the earlier works mentioned above.

Do Bulma and Vegeta love each other?
Oh absolutely, otherwise there would be no point to my page ;p. However, their love didn't just happen automatically, it grew over time. When they first came together and had Trunks I'm sure there were some feelings from both parties involved and maybe the beginnings of love, but not complete and unconditional love. Well, maybe there was love on Bulma's part since I do believe Mirai Bulma loved Mirai Vegeta, but I don't think Vegeta knew what love was and therefore couldn't embrace it. Lust was a major part of it, I'm sure, but I think there was a little bit more as well. Sure, Vegeta stated that Bulma was beautiful, but he also acknowledged she had courage (something cut out of the stupid dub), and he let her talk back at him and try and order him around without blowing her away.
After the Cell games, Vegeta settled back in with Bulma and lived with her and Trunks in peace for seven years until the Buu saga. Ahh, the wonderful Buu Saga where we see how much Vegeta's character has grown since we first met him in the beginning of DBZ. Just before Vegeta sacrifices his life to try and destroy Buu, he hugs Trunks and tells him to take care of his mother. Then, just before he blows himself up, he says goodbye to ""Bulma, Trunks and you too Kakarrotto."" Such a beautiful scene and Bulma senses something is wrong (see bond above ^_^), and when she learns that Vegeta is dead she is heartbroken and cries. We see Vegeta's jealous side later when Goku tries to bribe Dai-Kaio-Shin into letting them use the Namek Dragonballs, promising he could get naked pictures of a woman who's ""old but still tight"" (according to my sub ;p) - which meant Bulma. Vegeta was of course not pleased and the reaction is very hilarious. Anyways, when Bulma hears Vegeta's voice talking down to earth and realizes he's alive, she yells out ""Vegeta I love you"" so feelings on her part are obvious. As for Vegeta, well the translated title of the episode of his sacrifice is ""For the Sake of My Loved ones . . . Vejita Falls!!!"" I think that answers the question ^_^!

When did Vegeta leave Bulma to become a Super Saiyan?
Hmmm, ok, this answer will be pure speculation so you can agree with me or not. When Bulma met the Z-fighters the day the Androids were supposed to attack, she didn't know where Vegeta was, but knew he would be there. It's possible she hadn't seen him since he went to space but it's not certain. Vegeta knew his son's name was Trunks when he finally joined the others, so once again, it is possible he didn't leave Bulma until after Trunks was born (in fact that could be the reason he went to train in space - though it's not certain). Keep in mind that Trunks was nearing the age of 1 when the Androids attacked, so if Vegeta returned from space before Trunks' birth and was already a Super Saiyan, how many believe that Vegeta would NOT train as a Super Saiyan for several months? I ask this because the other fighters (at least Goku) would have sensed he had become a Super Saiyan, and wouldn't have been surprised when he turned into one when he comes to help with the Androids. Vegeta is not the type to suppress his lifetime goal for numerous months no matter what the reason. He would be out there gloating and probably challenging Goku to a fight. Anyway, that's why I believe Vegeta left Bulma after Trunks was born.

How old are Bulma and Vegeta?
I got this information from some official timeline (I think it was first printed in a Daizenshuu), and while you can find it all over the net, I used the one from
Vegeta was born in the Dragonball year 732 AD and Bulma in 733 AD (making him one year older than her). In 762 AD, Vegeta lands on earth; he is 30, Bulma 29. Bulma gives birth to Trunks in 766 AD, when she's 33 and Vegeta is 34. When training for the Cell games, Vegeta goes into the Room of Spirit and Time twice, therefore aging him 2 years, and becoming 3 years older than Bulma. Bra was born either in 778 or 780 AD (the timeline has her one year younger than Pan, but in the same Daizenshuu, I believe it was mentioned that Bra was one year older; meaning there's a conflict). So Bulma is either 46 or 48 (doesn't she look good for a woman of her age, not to mention that she also had a baby), and Vegeta is either 49 or 51. The DBZ series ends in 784 AD with Vegeta at 55 and Bulma at 52.

Are Bulma and Vegeta actually married?
Vegeta has referred to Bulma as his wife a couple of times in the series, but what that term means to him may not go by our traditional definition. We see no actual ceremony or hear of any mention of a marriage between the two, and since Vegeta is an alien and was not raised on earth, it's possible a different type of 'ceremony' was preformed. There is no definite answer to this question.

Which episodes have memorable Bulma and Vegeta moments?
Currently Under Construction. If you have any to add, please contact me.
124 The Warrior Race Saiya-jin's King Gravity room episode
第124回 题目:赛亚人之王 情节:重力室事件
237 For the Sake of My Loved Ones . . . Vejita Falls Vegeta's sacrifice to destroy Buu
第237回 题目:为了所爱的人,贝吉塔魂飞魄散 情节:贝吉塔与布欧同归于尽


[此帖子已被 凌心 在 2004-1-14 9:04:19 编辑过]

 楼主| 发表于 2004-1-14 09:03 | 显示全部楼层
1685 1673 15 绿月迦蓝 11 凌心啊~~辛苦啦~(拥抱一下^^)不过原作者是谁?好像没有见过~~她提到的那几篇文我也只看过你给我的那篇,其它的你看过吗?感觉如何? 03-5-14 10:08:36
1689 1673 15 凌心 4 "原作者adimra是一布贝专题站的站长网址
还有啊,我发现这么做英译汉练习不错呢!既有兴趣又是学习英语(考试中有英译汉这项啦!而且对阅读理解也有帮助^_^),所以有意继续,呵呵……你文笔好心思细,以后帮我改改译得不好的地方,可以吗?" 03-5-14 11:10:05
1690 1673 15 红色晨曦 5 辛苦凌心大人了,让我看到怎么多幕后故事。布贝FANS真是强啊 03-5-14 11:14:30
1691 1673 15 红色晨曦 5 关于贝吉塔是否爱布尔玛,这是个问题,是个问题…… 03-5-14 11:19:04
1708 1673 15 绿月迦蓝 11 "TO:凌心~~
当然没有问题啦~~只要你翻译出原文,我做校对就行了~~想偶的英文那么烂,也只能做做校对的工作了T_T~~如果你有新翻译的作品要我改的,发到我的邮箱,然后在QQ上留个言给我就行了~~~:)" 03-5-14 16:57:32
1712 1673 15 红色晨曦 5 "我有问题, 我来补充
问题是:布贝的身高?" 03-5-15 11:55:01
1725 1673 15 绿月迦蓝 11 "开着飞机来,不要金箍棒了吗?——其实这个是可以解释得通的,当时加林仙人告诉大家的是上神仙那里不可以用交通工具,“不然会被挡下来”,真实的情况大概是神仙用自己的力量做的吧,或者是波波先生。但到了后来精神和时间的房子时,大家都乱熟一把的了~~自然就可以特例啦:)所以布尔玛就直接开飞机上来了~~呵呵,不知偶的解释晨曦桑满意吗^^
至于布贝的身高,偶记得以前看过的一份资料说,是布尔玛比小贝稍高一点点~~汗bbb" 03-5-16 9:07:17
1729 1673 15 红色晨曦 5 "后期的神仙屋简直成了孙悟空一伙的后院了。。。。。。
有人估计布是165cm(还夸她是标准女性身材),贝是168cm,不过我也觉得布似乎高一点点。只怪他两在一个格子的画面太少了,目测极不准确啊" 03-5-16 15:57:03

[此帖子已被 凌心 在 2004-1-14 9:03:55 编辑过]

发表于 2004-11-10 12:05 | 显示全部楼层


好多有疑问的地方,在这篇文文中有了参考呢 。

发表于 2004-11-24 16:28 | 显示全部楼层


其实龙珠中 贝 与 布 的结合具有必然性

发表于 2005-3-26 15:22 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2005-4-8 19:29 | 显示全部楼层


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