仪迷 发表于 2008-11-21 05:28

[PS2]《IW》FAMI评分27/IGN评分史上最低3.5 (11/27)


Dragon Ball Z: Infinite World Review
An instant "must avoid."
by Greg Miller
November 18, 2008 - You won't find a bigger Dragon Ball Z fan in the IGN office than Shivam Bhatt, our media assistant. The guy's got full sets of toys and DVDs, he wrote college papers about the series, he's learned to sing the theme songs, and he's watched the entire anime in five different languages -- even teaching himself Japanese through the show.
Now that you know that, know this: even Shivam thinks Dragon Ball Z: Infinite World sucks.
"This game has the worst Dragon Ball fighting mechanics I have ever seen," he said after fooling with the controller for a few minutes and before handing the device back to me with a look of disgust. "It's also a really terrible game."

Think we're being too hard on this game? Look at these movies.
Yes, this version of Dragon Ball Z is no good. Meant to be a mix of elements found in the Budokai and Shin-Budokai games, Infinite World claims to be "the best of the Budokai series" on the back of its box, but I doubt that seeing as how at least some of those games were universally heralded as "fun" and Infinite World isn't. You'll take your controller's buttons through the punches, kicks, Ki Blasts, and Ki Burns you'd expect and toss them into three different gameplay modes. Dragon Mission serves as the game's story mode and takes you through some of the franchise's key moments, Dragon Duel is the versus mode where you can challenge Player 2 or the computer, and the unlockable Fighter's Road presents you with more than 100 combatants to unlock and take down across four maps. On top of that are the Dragon Ball staples such as training and the ability to purchase skills via the Zeni you've acquired in successful fights.
That's pretty much where the good news ends. It's not that fighting is broken in this fighter; it's just that it's really boring. You'll tap buttons like mad, and end up just firing off fireballs. Gone are the beam struggles fans came to know and love, and the arenas to fight in are largely rehashes of what players have seen before. Basically, you're locked in a battle of slow-moving punches and lazy animations. You can still edit your skills to modify your character and you can still transform, but none of this makes up for the fact that button mashing just isn't that fun.
Luckily, or perhaps sadly, fighting isn't a large portion of Dragon Mission. This story mode has cutscenes that set up the turning points of the series -- Raditz showing up to kidnap Goku's son, for example -- but then tosses you into a fight or something that's completely nonsensical. After Gohan is kidnapped, Goku needs to run around the blocky, jaggy outdoor level grabbing checkpoint hexagons. If he gets them all before time runs out, Goku goes back to the map screen and can go re-watch the cutscenes or go to the newly unlocked Raditz fight. Nonsensical, non-fighting levels such as this abound in Infinite World. After defeating Raditz, Goku got to run along a snake in the sky collecting the hexagon checkpoints -- that's all that level was; running along a set path jumping up and grabbing stuff. When that was done, Goku ran around a level trying to grab a banana-hurling monkey named Bubbles, which I know happened in the anime, but is still lame in the game.
These events aren't fun, and they certainly don't make me feel like I'm playing the anime. Did I miss the episode when floating hexagons descended on the world?
You'll go to other story levels to be trained, and you'll have to complete a certain number of moves. That sounds OK, but the game never tells you how to do these required moves. When Goku's deployed to learn how to block, three fractions are put at the bottom of the screen to represent how many times you have to do each type of block in the allotted amount of time. Oddly, the game never tells you how to do these blocks or which fraction is counting which type of block. You just have to leap around and try to figure out what the hell the game wants.
The map is as lame as it looks.Outside of Dragon Mission, Infinite World is strictly fighting, but as I've already said, it's not that fun. With some of the cooler parts of the other games removed, this one feels flat -- and the fact that you're playing in levels that fans have already seen from the other games and that none of this looks impressive thanks to pop-in and jaggies on the PlayStation 2's aging hardware doesn't help.
Closing Comments
If you desperately want a silver lining to this disaster, there really isn't one. Sure, the game's only $30, features English as well as Japanese voiceovers, and packs more than 40 characters, but none of this should make you feel like you need to buy this game. The sound's repetitive, the graphics are shoddy, and the gameplay isn't fun.
Do not play Dragon Ball Z: Infinite World.
IGN Ratings for Dragon Ball Z: Infinite World (PS2)
Rating Description
out of 10 click here for ratings guide
3.5 Presentation
As soon as the opening montage is done, you're dumped into a series of ugly, blocky menus that boil everything down to primary colors and goofy cartoons. There's also one Goku load screen.
5.5 Graphics
It's colorful, and the characters can look alright, but the environments lack detail and everything's very plain.
5.5 Sound
The wide array of voices is nice, but the music is repetitive and so are the sound effects.
3.5 Gameplay
The fighting has been watered down, but the stupid missions that just have me collecting hexagons are what really get me.
4.0 Lasting Appeal
There are a lot of fights to get into, but why would you want to?
(out of 10 / not an average)


leoko 发表于 2008-11-21 12:06

<P>囧= =果然不出所料,传说中的DB最弱作吗= =看来PS2想都不用想了,这样的作品连Z2都好一点吧= =</P><P>其实IGN的评分有时也不准= =但是这次= =</P><P>顺便改编一下依迷的某句话:</P><P>DIMPS:PS2能撑那么久啊!没想到,这次Z系列新作就给他吧!出个集大成刺激一下FANS= =</P><P>某个出SPAKING的游戏公司= =:哇PS2能撑那么久啊!新作给她吧!200人预定!加上阎王之流吧= =</P><P>次时代主机:= =……</P>

仪迷 发表于 2008-11-22 01:07


leoko 发表于 2008-11-22 10:27

<B>以下是引用<I>仪迷</I>在2008-11-22 1:07:05的发言:</B>

其实我感觉本作再差也能拿6分以上吧= =
另外插一句话:NDSI可以使用烧录卡了,可喜可贺,没想到这么快就破解了= =期待龙珠Z游戏继续在NDS上大放光彩= =GT就算了= =

仪迷 发表于 2008-11-22 23:49


leoko 发表于 2008-11-23 13:35

<B>以下是引用<I>仪迷</I>在2008-11-22 23:49:31的发言:</B>


其实龙珠:起源DS还是受到了渣塞尔达的启发= =本来我买DS就是为了ZELDA,没想到N上的ZELDA这么渣- -后来DS丢了……要是舞空烈战可以WIFI的话,一定要找依迷对战一下= =当然前提是我的DS仍健在= =

朋友b 发表于 2008-11-23 15:53

<P>*17:gt貝的final flash和baby共用</P>
<P>*18:gt貝的超殺竟然和z貝一樣!!!!!???加一招超殺有多難?就算偷懶也拜託加z3的final flash....</P>

leoko 发表于 2008-11-23 17:34

<B>以下是引用<I>朋友b</I>在2008-11-23 15:53:59的发言:</B>

<P>*17:gt貝的final flash和baby共用</P>
<P>*18:gt貝的超殺竟然和z貝一樣!!!!!???加一招超殺有多難?就算偷懶也拜託加z3的final flash....</P>

我本人是悟吉塔饭= =

仪迷 发表于 2008-11-24 01:45

<P>终于也都觉悟了啊,GT贝敷衍也就罢了,毕竟本来戏就少,搜索任务要跳来跳去飞不痛快也忍了,其实最令我吃惊的还是连武道会模式都没有了,省到这份儿上的集大成已经足够无语了,骂都不配…</P><P>本来我买DS就是为了ZELDA,没想到N上的ZELDA这么渣- -后来DS丢了……要是舞空烈战可以WIFI的话,一定要找依迷对战一下= =当然前提是我的DS仍健在= =

朋友b 发表于 2008-11-24 17:57


leoko 发表于 2008-11-25 16:41

<B>以下是引用<I>朋友b</I>在2008-11-24 17:57:02的发言:</B>



美泷虹修 发表于 2008-11-26 12:48

<P>我还在等日版 针对这个系列 还是把他当成铁拳式龙珠好了......</P>

仪迷 发表于 2008-11-27 07:41


QUELLER 发表于 2008-11-28 12:12


leoko 发表于 2008-11-28 12:22

<B>以下是引用<I>QUELLER</I>在2008-11-28 12:12:16的发言:</B>


龙珠Z3就有啊= =

64789 发表于 2008-11-30 11:50

<B>以下是引用<I>leoko</I>在2008-11-28 12:22:27的发言:</B>

龙珠Z3就有啊= =


leoko 发表于 2008-11-30 15:27

<B>以下是引用<I>64789</I>在2008-11-30 11:50:52的发言:</B>


等等!好像一些KUSO的融合人物只有Z2才有吧,难道都是隐藏的?到时候谁有兴趣去EBAY淘一张完全版就能验证到底有多少人了= =说不定凑凑都能有100人了- -

64789 发表于 2008-12-1 01:32

<B>以下是引用<I>leoko</I>在2008-11-30 15:27:46的发言:</B>

等等!好像一些KUSO的融合人物只有Z2才有吧,难道都是隐藏的?到时候谁有兴趣去EBAY淘一张完全版就能验证到底有多少人了= =说不定凑凑都能有100人了- -


tincan 发表于 2008-12-3 17:18

<P>小小聲問... 翻譯這個有稿費拿嗎...?</P><P>不過還真的是評得連垃圾都不如啊
乖乖的玩Z2和Z3... 反正我兩個都沒破 xD</P>

仪迷 发表于 2008-12-5 04:12

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