午夜格古洛 发表于 2008-10-28 19:09


<P>我喜爱看影痴们钟爱的电影,因为没有什么比一部制作精良的这种电影更好的了。观看完这部95-100分钟长(包括字幕)的《龙珠》,我要说这部电影还不错,你没听错。我完全喜欢原著动画片,但非常非常担心福克斯这次的翻拍,毕竟这家公司最近制作了不少烂作;另一点我担心的是,本片的导演是黄毅瑜(James Wong),曾执导过《绝命终点站1&amp;3》(Final Destination 1 &amp; 3)和李连杰主演的《救世主》(The One)。这次试映会,片子里能看出还有些未完成的视觉特效,而且电影原声也没加入。另外,他们要在10月末补拍1至2个场景。</P>
<P>2)詹姆斯·马斯特斯(James Marsters)扮演的短笛-很棒,可以用完美来形容。非常邪恶,是一个让你叫绝的反派,最后他变成了一个浅绿色的短笛。</P>
<P>3)贾斯汀·查特文(Justin Chatwin)扮演的悟空-这个家伙让我惊喜不少,当制片方最初选定他时,我真的不喜欢。但他在武戏中表现得非常出色,还喊了那句经典的“KAMEHAMEHA”。</P>
<P>5)艾米·罗瑟姆(Emmy Rossum)演的布玛(Bulma)-她真的太适合这个角色了,我喜欢她没把角色演成一个懦弱的小女孩,尽管她知道自己打不过邪恶势力,但还是很了不起,是一个很棒的女性角色。</P>
7)朴熙俊 (Hee-joon Park)饰演的乐平(Yamcha)-相当酷。他的拳脚很像这个角色,他展示了很酷的打斗技法。他与悟空的武戏很棒。</P>
<P>2)杰米·钟(Jamie Chung)演的琪琪(Chi-Chi)-这是另一个我不喜欢的选角,我当初的担心成真了。她的演技跟杰西卡·阿尔巴在《神奇4侠》里的演出一样糟糕,但多亏她的戏份不多。希望制片方可以考虑换别人来演,或者希望如果拍续集,她的演技能进步。</P>
<P>3)周润发演的龟仙人(Master Roshi)-我很失望。我觉得这个不规矩的武天大师会像原著一样,但唉,所有的特点都消失了,他演的像个Kesuke Miyagi先生。他的台词还行,但我感觉他的表演没放开。</P>
<P>4)神龙(Shenrone)-另一大遗憾。它就像《X3》里的“哨兵”,服了福克斯。片中有龙珠和神龙出现,但龙居然藏在云后面,你只能看到他的影子。神龙的配音者是Christopher Sabat,他也是美版动画片中神龙的配音者 。神龙的声音让人毛骨悚然,但他怎么就藏在云后面呢。只希望他们能处理这个,但看来希望渺茫。</P>
<P>5)田村英里子(Eriko Tamura)演的舞(Mai)-是个未充分挖掘的角色,坦白地讲如果制片方目的就是让她成为充数的角色,那还不如弃掉这个角色,多加点短笛的戏份。她的戏挺酷的,但基本上就是在秀身材,真是浪费了角色。</P>
<P>作者:Cupidboy </P>
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-10-28 19:14:34编辑过]

午夜格古洛 发表于 2008-10-28 19:15

I am a huge fan of your site and constantly visit here but this will be my first time emailing you about something. I love geek movies because there is nothing better than a well made geek movie. Well after watching the 95-100 minutes (excluding credits) of the movie i say this movie was solid. Ya you heard that right. I simply love the anime but I was very very nervous about it being made by fox. After all the studio has been making nothing but shit lately. Another reason why I was worried about this movie is that the director is James Wong who made final destination 1 & 3 and The one starring Jet Li. What I watched had unfinished sfx and with no scoring done yet. Also… they will be adding one or two scenes which will be shot sometime end of october.
Now let me list the positives of this movie

1) Action - I wasn’t expecting the action scenes to be as awesome as they were. Simply put the best thing about this movie. The last action scene of Goku vs. Picollo are simply amazing and when picollo takes out his huge fucking ass sword with weird rectangle shape tablet attached it at the tip of sword and slamming it on goku was fucking awesome. Lot of blowing shit up, super cool flying scenes, awesome ki blasts. This fight scene was around 13-15 minutes long. There are other small action scenes that are fun and entertaining with slo mo but nowhere as good as the picollo vs. goku scene.
2) James Marsters as Picollo was awesome. He was perfect as picollo. Very mean and a villain that makes you say fuck ya kick all their asses. Oh and Picollo transforms into a light greenish color picollo towards the end of the movie.
3) Justin Chatwin as Goku. This guy surprised me a lot. I really didn’t like him when they casted him as goku but he did a damn good job in the acting department and he nailed the KAMEHAMEHA line.
4) Oozaru - the giant monkey is in the movie. Goku turns into a 8-9 feet tall giant baboon when he looks at the moon. It was awesome looking though a bit CGI. Maybe they will fix it later.
5) Emmy Rossum as Bulma- She was really really good in this role. I liked how she never acted like a wimpy girl and eventhough she knows she can’t win against the evil forces yet she kicks ass. A strong female role I will say.
6) Fullum Assasins - I thought adding these monsters were bad idea but they were pretty damn cool and there was an enitre scene where Goku and his friends fight these monsters and that fight scene was pretty damn good.
7) Joon Park as Yamcha was pretty cool. His acting was spot on like the character and they showed some cool fighting techniques of his. The fight scene between him and goku was good.
1) Story - Dragonball fans will be dissapointed with some of the changes they have made with stories and characters etc. Krillin isn’t in the movie, Tien isn’t in the movie too. High school setting for the first 22-23 minutes was so not needed but ah well typical hollywood garbage of adding bullshit like that.
2) Jamie Chung as Chi Chi - Ya this was another casting i didn’t like and my worst fears came true. Her acting is as bad as Jessica Alba’s in F4 movies but thankfully her screentime isn’t that big. I really wished they could have tried harded to find someone else. I hope for sequel she can improve if there is one of course.
3) Chow Yun Fat as Master Roshi - I was dissapointed with this. I wanted the fucking perverted roshi who fucking grabs breasts and asses like in the anime but alas all of that is fucking gone. Also he acted like Mr. Kesuke Miyagi. You know what I mean. The lines he spoke were fine but I felt he was uncomfortable in the movie. Very dissapointed.
4) Shenron the dragon - Ah another huge dissapointment. This is like sentinel in X3 all over again. FUCK FUCK FUCK you fox. So ya they get all the dragonballs and the dragon appears but the dragon is hiding behind fucking clouds and you only see his shadow. The voice of the dragon was provided by none other than Christopher Sabat who provided the voice for the dragon in the american version of the anime. When the dragon spoke it was chilling but damnit it was hiding behind clouds. One can hope they will fix this but chances of that are very slim.
5) Eriko Tamura as Mai was underused character and frankly speaking if that is what their intention was to underuse her then they might as well have not added this character and just added more picollo. Her moments were cool and she basically was there to show her nice boobies but ya she was kinda wasted.
Overall, I would give the movie a 6.5/10 simply because i was expecting disaster but it turned out better. The positives I mentioned coupled with some cool funny goku moments like eating a massive turkey etc. were hilarious. If only Master Roshi was perverted and Shenron was visible I would have given this 9 but ah well they messed up there. Hopefully they will fix shenron as they still have 5 months to movie’s release but if not then well fuck you to fox and james wong. But in all seriousness I am glad it aint the disaster I thought it would be. Hopefully you guys will post this. Thank You.
Call me DON
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-10-28 19:17:19编辑过]

隐士龙 发表于 2008-10-28 20:37

<P>当短笛亮出硕大的剑,顶部带有奇异的矩形牌</P><P>用剑的那美克人??</P><P>最后他变成了一个浅绿色的短笛</P><P>希望这是真的!!</P><P>神龙:它就像《X3》里的“哨兵”,服了福克斯。片中有龙珠和神龙出现,但龙居然藏在云后面,你只能看到他的影子。</P><P>对此我无话可说了 如果这是真的 </P><P> 哎无语了午夜兄快些发个真正的让大家LOOK LOOK吧 </P>

午夜格古洛 发表于 2008-10-28 21:17

<P>呵呵。我盡管抽出時間來整理一下~ </P><P>不過隱士龍所指出的三點,其中有一點是事實。</P>

仪迷 发表于 2008-10-29 16:34


午夜格古洛 发表于 2008-10-29 20:52

<P>就是因为太有良心了,不太确定不敢拿出来随便吓人呀。</P><P>翻译时间一直还是能挤出来的,不过找不到出击时机而已~ 现在这样给外界谣传一拳,不是更好吗?</P><P>今天这稿还是新浪逼出来的(午:他们那个影评不是真的。新:你看了南都的新闻了吧,照那模式弄一篇出来吧。午:......)。</P><P>明白了,以后真新闻假新闻都先整上新闻吧。反正为了点击率,为了论(表呕),我不讲良心啦!</P>
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