午夜格古洛 发表于 2007-11-15 10:03

让中国人Sparking! 周星驰任《龙珠》真人版监制![Chud.com来源]

<P>消息来源:Chud.com / Scoop.co / QQ.com</P>
<P>21世纪福克斯公司近日宣布,将把日本畅销漫画《龙珠》搬上大银幕,并计划在今年年内开机。周星驰(Q吧)将担任该部电影的监制,拍摄过《死神来了》系列的华裔导演黄毅瑜出任导演,预计在明年的8月15日于北美公映。目前,福克斯公司正在进行选角。第一男主角孙悟空已经确定由曾在《世界大战》中饰演汤姆·克鲁斯儿子的贾斯汀·查特文担任。目前,贾斯汀正在特技公司的指导下进行严格的体能训练。 </P>
《龙珠》是影响最广、最为成功的日本漫画之一。这部由鸟山明创作的漫画最早刊登于漫画杂志《少年跳跃》,连载了7年,后来又改编成小说和游戏,其动画片更是在世界各国播放,整个《龙珠》系列在全球产生超过40亿美元的利润。在北美这部漫画同样受欢迎,北美地区发行时名为《龙珠Z》。 </P>
电影《龙珠》的故事与漫画还是有相当的差别。在电影中,孙悟空本是被派往地球消灭人类的入侵者,但在意外失忆之后反而成了保护地球不受外星人侵害的正义战士,而可以达成愿望的龙珠也是外星人意图染指的目标。 </P>
早报记者昨日联系到担任监制的周星驰,被询问为何不做导演时,周星驰说:“我一直以来都有个原则,只会执导自己原创的电影。”虽然只是监制,但周星驰对《龙珠》却是有很浓厚的情结。“我一直都是个‘龙珠迷’,而且我觉得这个故事很天马行空,我觉得很有创作空间。”据周星驰介绍,新一代的星女郎张雨绮也有望出演真人版《龙珠》,“我正在向剧组推荐张雨绮,希望由她来演悟空的女朋友。” </P>
20th Century Fox To Release Dragonball Film in 08
Wednesday, 14 November 2007, 5:01 pm
Press Release: 20th Century Fox Films
20th Century Fox To Release Dragonball August 15, 2008</P>
<P>Based on the popular Japanese manga – which spawned best selling graphic novels, video games and a phenomenally successful TV series
Rising Star Justin Chatwin (WAR OF THE WORLDS) cast as heroic Goku,
Legendary Filmmaker Stephen Chow (KUNG FU HUSTLE) Produces, and James Wong (FINAL DESTINATION) Directs</P>
LOS ANGELES (November 13, 2007) _ Twentieth Century Fox will release the science fiction-adventure DRAGONBALL worldwide on August 15, 2008. The film, which begins production later this year, is based on the popular Japanese manga created by Akira Toriyama, whose work spawned best selling graphic novels, video games and a phenomenally successful television series. </P>

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The manga, novels and series bring to the film a rich mythology and exciting, complex characters – all of which have captivated millions of fans, of all ages, around the globe. One of the greatest manga franchises ever created, DRAGONBALL has an enormous online fanbase and is consistently one of the most frequently searched-for terms on Google and Yahoo! DRAGONBALL has exploded into a global phenomenon that has generated more than four billion dollars in merchandising sales. It is considered the gold standard of anime-based video games, with more than 25 different games and over ten million units sold since May 2002. The series – 500 episodes strong – posted top ratings in Europe, Asia and the U.S. </P>
<P>Rising star Justin Chatwin, who portrayed Tom Cruise’s son in Steven Spielberg’s WAR OF THE WORLDS, takes on the lead role of the heroic Goku, a powerful warrior who protects the Earth from an endless stream of rogues bent on dominating the Universe and controlling the mystical objects from which the film takes its name. </P>
<P>Chatwin has already begun a rigorous training regimen under the auspices of the premier stunt performance company, 87Eleven, which has executed or designed some of the biggest action pieces ever seen on film, in pictures such as THE MATRIX, THE BOURNE SUPREMACY, MR. &amp; MRS. SMITH, and 300.</P>
<P>Fan favorite James Marsters, best known for his role as the charismatic vampire Spike on the seminal fantasy series “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” and “Angel,” will portray the principal antagonist, Piccolo. Other major roles are currently being cast. </P>
<P>DRAGONBALL is produced by legendary filmmaker Stephen Chow whose best known films as an actor, director and screenwriter have featured a unique blend of martial arts action, CGI and comedy; Chow’s notable credits include the hits SHAOLIN SOCCER and KUNG FU HUSTLE. The director is James Wong, formerly an executive producer/writer on the noted genre series “The X-Files,” “Millennium” and “Space: Above and Beyond” – and the co-writer/director of the big-screen hits FINAL DESTINATION and FINAL DESTINATION 3. </P>
<P>The Jump Comics division of the Tokyo-based publishing house Shueisha is the publisher of the DRAGONBALL manga.</P>
<P>About Twentieth Century Fox</P>
<P>One of the world’s largest producers and distributors of motion pictures, Fox Filmed Entertainment produces, acquires and distributes motion pictures throughout the world. These motion pictures are produced or acquired by the following units of FFE: Twentieth Century Fox, Fox 2000 Pictures, Fox Searchlight Pictures, Fox Atomic, and Twentieth Century Fox Animation.</P>
<P>ENDS </P>

[此贴子已经被作者于2008-1-19 20:14:23编辑过]

仪迷 发表于 2007-11-15 10:33

<P>啊,刚才翻开报纸才发现这消息,我刚发的那贴可以删了……原来这消息已经确定了,现在网上报道已经很多了。</P><P>其他的信息还有:</P><P>漫画另一主角短笛,则会起用电视剧《寻人密探组》男星詹姆士·马斯达(James Marsters)。</P><P>http://cimg2.163.com/ent/2007/11/15/2007111508441437561.jpg</P><P>之前看过的那张短笛COS图原来是3年前福克斯公布的造型……</P><P>主要场景在墨西哥拍摄……</P><P>演悟空的这人已经开始在特技表演公司87—Eleven训练了,这个公司接手过《黑客帝国》和《300壮士》</P><P>----------</P><P>这公映时间也太早了,周星星还推荐张雨绮演琪琪,陈冠希演大特,越来越不靠谱……不过目前的信息来看情节还是在悟空和短笛之间,大特希望不大……</P><P>昨天的消息贴这里吧</P><P>[传闻成真]好莱坞真人版《龙珠》明年8月公映?

日期:2007-11-14 18:19:52 编辑:mikatsuki 来源:levelup.cn(译自animeanime)
11月14日,美国娱乐界权威《Hollywood Reporter》报道了20世纪FOX真人版《龙珠》将于2008年8月15日全球公映的消息,使得一直一来的接连不断的传闻成真。
     据悉主人公悟空将有加拿大演员Justin Chatwin(贾斯汀·查特文)出演,以电视剧版《X档案》与《Final Destination(死神来了)》为众人所知的黄毅瑜(James Wong)担任影片导演。
       20世纪FOX公司买下真人版《龙珠》的电影拍摄权早已众所周知,但有关演员阵容和制作班底的各种传言可说是五花八门,令人对作品是否真能顺利拍摄而顾虑重重。今秋,有关拍摄开始和演员选拔的传闻更是层出不穷,目前20世纪FOX公司并未对此做出正式回应。但此次《Hollywood Reporter》的报道,毫无疑问是对电影拍摄可能性的大力肯定。

Hollywood Reporter相关报道:


C.BALL 发表于 2007-11-15 10:53


終極資訊家 发表于 2007-11-15 11:45


凉茶 发表于 2007-11-15 13:33

<P></P><P>周星星有份是好事- -</P><P>陈冠希演大特………他………我………想死!!!</P>

卓月 发表于 2007-11-15 14:29


linainverse 发表于 2007-11-15 14:46


batterkiller 发表于 2007-11-15 16:30


liuanliuan 发表于 2007-11-15 17:28


太子_ 发表于 2007-11-15 17:54


zealot97 发表于 2007-11-15 19:13


龙珠奶奶 发表于 2007-11-15 20:14


西楼残月 发表于 2007-11-15 20:24


低能 发表于 2007-11-15 20:59


龙珠奶奶 发表于 2007-11-15 21:39


36249473 发表于 2007-11-15 22:59


仪迷 发表于 2007-11-16 09:25


绝对防御GAARA 发表于 2007-11-16 09:49

哎,我也在报纸上看到了,连斧头帮老大也出演            还有一个谁反串悟饭的,真是太搞了吧

朋友b 发表于 2007-11-17 14:57

让中国人Sparking! 周星驰任《龙珠》真人版监制![Chud.com来源]


wbyxx2007 发表于 2007-11-17 18:21

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